Yes, we are like the movie. We have four different Christmases, but we did not do them all in one day like the movie. Our Christmases started with our annual Christmas Eve breakfast with my mom. We all went to eat at Pearly's and then headed to her house to exchange gifts. We enjoyed our time together. Emma and Uncle Brandon enjoyed playing on the keyboard together.
Then we headed to Moultrie to have Christmas with Scott's parents. Susan was busy cooking in the kitchen when we arrived. We hung out for awhile and then ate dinner. It was so good. I felt like it was Thanksgiving all over again. Mr. Joe always begins by reading Luke 2 and then we exchanged gifts with them. Emma got her a pink car that she loves!!
Joe and Susan did little gag gifts in our stockings with something that represented us.
It was cute. I got sunglasses since I love going to the beach! |
We came home and opened our Christmas Eve pajamas and a few gifts to each other and got ready for Santa.
We woke up on Christmas morning ready to have our family Christmas before church. Of all mornings, Emma wanted to sleep in. We ended up having to wake her. It was priceless seeing Emma's face as she crawled into the living room. Her eyes got so big. Thankfully we have it on video. She loved her tent!! We had to take it back after Christmas because it was messed up and we got one we liked better. Then we got ready to go to church. What better place to be on Christmas morning than church. It was such a good message.
Then we came home so I could cook a hash brown casserole to take to my dad's. Our tradition with him is to eat breakfast type foods. We had our casserole, a grits casserole my brother made, ham, sausage, rolls, and then we always have rice. It is a tradition passed down from one of my mom's family members. Emma got this Violet bear that talks to Emma and we programmed it to say and spell her name.
She loved the cheesy puffs my dad put in her stocking!! |
Christmas night, Scott's mom, Larry, and Chris came over to our house. We cooked spaghetti. Emma loved getting her dino that she can ride and then walk behind.
It was a very busy two days and it wore Emma out, but we had a good time with each family member. As Emma gets older, maybe next year, we want to start doing a birthday party for Jesus. It is a great reminder of what Christmas is really ALL about!!