Friday was such a busy but fun day. Scott had to work until 12:00, so Emma and I started the morning outside. She loves being outside. She loves to pick up rocks that we have in our backyard.

I sent some of these pictures to Scott while he was working and told him Emma was going to be his little yard helper. She loved to look at the flowers in our planter box.
She has a thing with squinting her eyes at us and she did it before we went out for lunch. I sent this picture to my mom who loves to play the squint game with Emma.
Friday was my dad's birthday, so we all (Scott, Emma, my brother Brandon, his wife Krista, and I) took our dad out to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings. Then since Scott did not have to go back to work, we took Emma to Toys R Us to get her a plastic pool and then to Chuck E. Cheese to ride some of the rides they have there. I have been wanting to take her for awhile. We placed her on one at Toys R Us but did not have any change on us so we took her off and she started crying because she wanted to rise it, so I knew then that she would love Chuck E. Cheese rides.
Yes, there are a bunch of pictures of her at Chuck E. Cheese, but this is how I keep up with what all we do with Emma. I can look back one day and see what all she did on her first visit to Chuck E. Cheese.
Emma and I went on their small play area and rode the slide to get down. She was not sure at first, but was laughing by the end.
Friday night, Emma, my mom, and I went to watch Scott play his last two softball games for the season. Life if totally different now with a walker. Gone are the days that I can sit back and relax and Emma can chill in her stroller. She knows she can walk and get places she wants to walk EVERYWHERE!! I told a friend at the softball park how we as parents want our babies to walk so much, but then when they do finally learn, we want them to sit down for awhile. Hahaha! She loved eating her cheeseburger and chips that OJan shared with her.
Yes, she was even walking while eating her cheeseburger. She would rest for a quick minute and then would be up walking around again. She said "hey" to EVERYONE she met. OJan said she got her "friendly/talk to anyone" gene.
After she finished her cheeseburger/chips, she wanted some of our boiled peanuts. The girl is an eater and not a picky one, so I can't complain too much. She will eat just about anything you put in front of her.
We watched some of Scott's second game. Somehow Emma has picked up a love for ice. My mom and I both LOVE crushed ice. I put her in the chair I was sitting in and gave her a cup of crushed ice from the concession stand and it kept her occupied until we were ready to leave. I am so glad my mom went with me to the game.
We had such a fun Friday. I hope you all did too!!!