Scott and I got to go to dinner and a movie on Friday night. I cannot tell you the last time we went to a movie together. My mom picked up Emma from daycare and took her to Mark's Melon Patch. They grow pumpkins for people to pick and get in the Fall. They have all kinds of sweets, vegetables, and boiled peanuts. My mom bought some for Emma and bought some more to boil at home. She also bought Emma some peach ice cream, but Emma did not want anything to do with it once she saw the peanuts.
After I got my hair cut on Friday, Scott and I went to eat at Mellow Mushroom. Then we went to see Hope Springs. We went to my moms to get Emma and she was having a blast. She was sitting in my mom's lap messing with makeup. Her and Aunt Krista enjoyed eating boiled peanuts my mom picked up at Mark's Melon Patch.
Saturday was my birthday. It was such a great day!! It started off wonderful because Emma and I got to sleep in until 9:00!!! Then we went and got Chick-fil-a for breakfast. Then we went home and opened my gifts from Scott and Emma. I got a warmer for my kitchen from Target. It smells so good! I also got some really cute and different picture frames to sit around my house. We still have to print off family pictures we had back in January and we just had some more done last night I will want to print off too. Then we went to my moms where she picked up Outback and fried chicken for me and had the best caramel cake waiting!! She bought me a bike for my birthday so we can all go ride bikes together.
Brandon and Krista came over for the fun too! They gave me a pen for my I-pad that I have been wanting.
Emma and Uncle Brandon reading a book together before we left.
We left my moms and ran to pick something up from Bath & Body Works. We were hoping Emma would nap once we got home before going to take pictures yesterday evening, but that did not happen. She took a 10 minute cat nap in the car while I ran into the mall. She was fussy yesterday too before taking pictures. I was expecting the worse during the photo shoot, but she did wonderful for not having a nap pretty much all day! After the photo shoot, we picked up Moe's and brought it home to eat and make a tent in the living room. Emma thought it was the best thing ever! It lasted about 15 minutes before she tore the roof down! :)
She watched a Disney movie for a few minutes before bouncing off to do something else. She is not into the TV much, which I guess is a great thing. I do not want her to watch a lot of TV!!
Today we went to church and then to eat at the brand new Olive Garden that just opened up! It was wonderful. Her and mom were sitting outside waiting patiently.
She was being super silly inside the restaurant.
We left there where Emma napped for 2 1/2 hours. I did too and it felt wonderful!! Then we went back to my moms where she had finger foods cooking. My mom, Brandon, Krista, and I went bike riding to a local yogurt place. It felt so good outside. Scott's dad, Susan, Gma Mary, Peyton, and Makayli came to see us and me for my birthday. I have had one of the best birthdays this year and it is still not over. My dad is taking me out to eat tomorrow night. :)