My Spring Break was this past week. We had so much fun just hanging around the house and doing things locally. On Monday, Emma went to daycare so I could run errands, get some things done around the house, and meet some friends for lunch. On Tuesday, she started it off eating oatmeal. She use to eat it a lot as an infant, but we stopped because we felt like she would want something different. She loved it Tuesday!! We will have to start giving it to her more now that she has had a long break from it.

She loves to see herself in our phone as we take pictures of her. :)
After breakfast, we went in her room to play. She took every Mickey Mouse character she has into that small tent of hers. She wanted me and Cali to get in there too!
She loves playing with Cali, but is quick to get on to her too when she is bothering her. She acts like a little mama!!
Then she wanted to play with her keyboard.
That got old so she tried playing it with her feet. Haha!!

We had a friend, Kalynn, come over for lunch. Then Emma and I went to Chehaw to see the animals. I have no idea why I did not take any pictures while we were there. We came home and she took a long nap. After Scott got home from work, he took Emma back to Chehaw to play on the playground while I stayed home and got dinner ready. She is finally brave enough to slide all by herself.
She also loved swinging on the tire swing while they were there.
She went back to school on Wednesday since I had a hair appointment and was trying to find a dress to wear to the Teacher of the Year banquet in just two weeks. On Thursday, she started it off by eating 2 1/2 eggs. Then she lined up her MoMo characters and then sat down beside them for a picture. :) She loves Mickey Mouse. Scott and I are going to take her for a quick trip to Magic Kingdom in November. We are very excited!
We met Scott for lunch and then came home for a play date. I had three of my friends and five of their girls plus a precious baby infant girl come over to play. I have to admit I am OCD about my house being clean, so this was a test. My OCD was twitching. Haha!! But the girls had a blast so it was all worth it.
They were loud and baby Hollyn never woke up.

All five girls were doing their own thing here. :)
On Friday, my dad brought us breakfast and to play with Emma for a little while until it was time to take Emma for her checkup. The girl loves eggs and bacon!
She was watching The Cat in the Hat while we waited for Dr. W to come in.
Everything checked out great! She was flirting with Dr. W. I think she finally likes him. She has always cried/fussed/squirmed when he would try to look into her ears/mouth/eyes, but she did great today!

My throat started hurting either Thursday or Friday morning, but by Friday afternoon it was full blown hurting. I was having chills and fever too. I had this virus back in February. I laid in bed most of Friday afternoon once Scott got home from work. Luckily he was already planning on getting off at 12. We were suppose to go camping, but every place we tried was booked. It is a good thing because we had a cold front come through and then I wasn't feeling good. This is what my living room looked like once I woke up. Haha! It is worse than the mess the five girls made on Thursday. But Emma was very creative, used her imagination, and had fun so it was all worth the mess!

Oh, and I will leave my Spring Break post with Emma's outfit on Friday while she was playing. I was dying over the stockings and shoes. LOL! And of course she was wearing a Minnie shirt.
** It is Sunday and my throat is so much better. I am on day two of my pills. I could not tell much of a difference yesterday with day one pills, but I can tell it is improving! It is a good thing since I have to go back to work tomorrow. ** :)