The doctor that has been working with Emma for the past year and a half moved to Arizona. He referred us to Emory in Atlanta. We had our first visit with them today which was a six month followup to the last time she saw her previous doctor. She no longer needed to wear her glasses but still needed to patch an hour a day prior to this visit. We fell in love with Emory. They are a top notch clinic with an awesome staff! Her initial issue was her eye turning in due to muscle weakness. She had surgery over a year ago to correct the muscle. We have not had any more trouble with her eye turning. The doctor's today tried their hardest to get that eye to turn in and they could not "trick" it do so which is awesome news!!!! It means the surgery was very successful!

They checked her vision and it was 20/20!!!! This visit could not have had better results! The doctor released her back to a regular doctor back home for yearly visits. No more need for a specialist! She did have to have her eye dilated so she got to sport these fancy glasses for a little bit. She was being all serious while talking to my mom on the phone.
She got off the phone and gave us the Emma smile we know and love!
We left the doctor's office and grabbed lunch at one of our favorite Atlanta restaurants, Chuy's! Then we went to Target and found some notebooks for the kids and some super cute spring stuff all in their dollar spot. The kiddos fell in love with the Target doggie and needed a picture with him.
Then we ran to American Girl store to look around before heading back home. Emma got to buy a sleeping bag for her Wellie Wisher dolls and a brush for them. Emma & Landon both loved the store. It really is a neat store.
It was a great day trip to Atlanta!!!