Then we got ready and went to Pier Park where we met my mom. She drove down after work on Thursday. We ate at The Back Porch. Then we went to Target to get some things for the weekend.
Friday we went to the state park and met up with a friend(Jill). Scott took Emma into the ocean and she loved it. Emma and I went with Scott to take some pictures. Emma napped in the was nice to get out of the sun and sand for a little while.
Then that night we went to eat at Boondocks which is amazing. It brought back memories of my youth days where we would eat there on our beach trips. Then we went back to Pier Park to walk around. Brandon and Krista arrived Friday night to enjoy the rest of the weekend with us.
On Saturday, Scott's family (Peyton, Susan, Joe, and Gma Mary) came to meet us at the beach for the day. We went down to the beach for a couple of hours. Peyton and Joe got into the ocean which was freezing!! Then we all went and ate at Sharky's for lunch. After lunch we went and got into the pool. Emma and I stayed for a little while, but she was getting sleepy so we went inside and she crashed for a long nap. Scott's family then went back home. It was nice having them spend the day with us.
We got ready and Scott went to take some pics of Emma on the beach. We tried the night before but did not have as much luck. I even got a few with my sweet girl. Then we all went and ate at Margaritaville and walk around Pier Park some more.
It was so nice getting to spend the weekend with family.
A big thanks to my dad for keeping Cali all weekend. I know they both enjoyed each other's company. On a sad mom's cat Precious (well she bought him for Brandon and I, but he lived with her) passed away Friday. Brandon went to check on him Friday and he had passed away. He was 14 years old and we got him as a kitten from the Humane Society. He was such a sweet cat!! I need to add a picture once I find one of Precious.