I am thankful for trips with my favorite girls. I had Thursday and Friday off due to a furlough day and then Veteran's Day. I love to go places on my days off. I found out mom and Krista had today off too, so we decided to go to Atlanta. My mom and Krista had never been to Ikea before. We left Thursday night after Krista got off work and went quickly to Tanger Outlet Malls. I was worried we would not make it before they closed, but we did. I treated myself to a Coach purse. Then we found our hotel room after visiting Atlanta airport first....got off at wrong exit. Emma thought it was play time at the hotel and it took her awhile to go to sleep. She did the same thing a few weeks ago when we stayed with Scott's family.....she knew she wasn't in her normal routine and house.

We woke up today and went to Ikea first. We had their 99 cent breakfast which consisted of eggs, hash browns, and sausage.....it was awesome! After we ate, we did some shopping there. Then we went to Lenox Mall and did some more shopping. Shopping with a baby is different....totally worth it, but didn't take many pictures of our trip because I was having too much fun just enjoying the moments!
Getting started at Ikea. |
It was a quick, but nice trip with just us girls. I did several things on this trip I do not like doing......driving at night and driving in downtown Atlanta. Yes, it was guaranteed I was going to have to turn around just about everywhere we went because I either missed my exit or got off at the wrong one. But we made it everywhere we intended to....maybe just a little later than we were hoping for. :)
Still shopping at Ikea. She is such a happy girl....unless she is hungry or tired! |