We woke up and went to no other better place than church. Today is one of the happiest days for a Christian. This sweet girl sure was happy this morning.
Then my dad came over and gave Emma a beach chair and some money to get her some summer sandals. OJan got her some soft blocks we picked out for her. Then my dad, Scott, Emma, and I went to Camilla to have Easter lunch with my aunt, uncle, cousin, and two of my great aunts. It was a smaller gathering than normal but still nice. We ate BBQ and Fried Chicken which were both yummy!! Then we had dessert. Emma loved the ice cream.
Then we did things country style. Scott rode Emma on my aunt's bicycle. We let her ride the pony. We fed the fish. Scott and I rode my aunt's new scooter. We let Emma do her fourth egg hunt for this Easter and then we headed home. We had a great time down there. 
Then we went to my moms to visit some more with my Grandma Shelby and Uncle Philip. My mom just recently met her biological mom, four brothers, and two sisters this past January. It has been such a blessing!!