Emma is such a sweet, loving girl. Yes, she has her "moments," but for the most part, she is super sweet! Her and I decided to watch Toy Story last night. She has never watched a movie and really isn't into cartoons either. It might have to do with us never really putting her in front of the TV as an infant. But, she did watch about twenty minutes of it last night. At the beginning when Woody is broker, she kept saying "uh oh" "uh oh" "uh oh." It was so cute!!!!

She also loves Cali when she is not trying to steal her food. :) Today we went to eat with my mom and then to get some candy for her school trick-or-treat next week and some cookies and goody bag items for her class party next week too. She has a busy week coming up. Then we went to our Sunday School's fall festival. I was too busy eating, socializing, and chasing Emma to remember to take pictures. I think Scott got a few. Emma had a blast in the jumpy house made just for toddlers, eating, playing with the balls, painting her pumpkin, and riding on the hay ride. They even had a TV out there for the guys to watch the GA/FL game. :) Now we are home relaxing!!