"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11- We don't know the plans God has for Emma & Landon's life, but we are excited to be on the journey with them!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
Girls Weekend & Fun With Daddy
I am home sick from work today. I started feeling bad Wednesday so I went to the doctor yesterday and have some virus, but my medicine is helping big time! I just needed another day to rest and gain my strength back. I am catching up on my blog. I went out of town for a Bachelorette trip last weekend with two of my very good friends and a friend of Brittany's. I tried a Mohito for the first time and was not impressed. I love mint, but WOW!! This was like mint overload.
Here we are waiting for dinner at a Tapas Bar on Saturday night. It was good, but not sure if any of us would ever go back to that type of restaurant. I meant to take more pictures, but was enjoying my time and forgot. We did get a massage Saturday morning, so that was such a nice treat!
Scott got Emma Saturday and they had a fun night together. She wanted to see how her dolls feel in her stroller, so she climbed in hers. I am sure she is pushing the weight limit. :)
She did look cute though!
Saturday night, she decided to take her temperature with her play play thermometer.
She learned this method from school because this is how her teachers check their temperatures.
Sunday they got ready to meet mom and Brandon for lunch. We were heading back from Savannah.
I told Scott she looked older than she really is in these pictures. I think it was because her hair was parted differently than normal.
She was having fun at lunch with them.
She normally does not like it when we make her stop playing to take a bath, but once she gets in she has fun playing.
She decided it would be fun to play with Scott's hair.
She was being silly last night once Scott got home from work. She loved seeing herself in his phone camera. :)
I can't let this post be full of pictures of Scott and Emma without having at least one of me and her. It is not great of me because I was still not feeling well, but Emma wanted to sit in my lap once my mom brought her home from daycare and watch Mickey Mouse. I was not about to say no!!
She benefitted from me having a sore throat. I requested a milkshake from Scott on his way home from work. He picked one up for Emma too. Such a sweet daddy!!
I cut myself out because I was sleeping too hard and did not want to scare anyone. LOL! Emma has been waking up in the middle of the night calling out for us. She will most of the time go back to sleep, but she wanted us this morning so she got in our bed. I mean- is she just precious! Look how she is holding the side of her face. I wish I could look that cute sleeping! :)
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Boots Lover & More
Emma has recently found her love for boots! This all happened once boots were no longer sold in stores as they are now preparing for Spring stuff. So I went on a hunt for boots online. I came across these at JCPenney's for $9.00 total!! I could not pass these up. She loves wearing them and we have had cold weather lately so it worked out great.

Then we went to a shoe store and she tried on cowboy boots that she loved but were way too big. I found these online at Target.

This picture was taken on Friday right before school. It was her last day in her current classroom before they moved her up to the next class today.
I don't know what it is with babies wanting to carry around naked dolls??!!??
So Scott went to warm up his truck Friday morning and came back to this!! How can one child make this big of a mess within a minute?? Then she got upset that she could not take all ten plus dolls to school with her. She is a little mama to these dolls. :)

I went out of town for the weekend so my mom got Emma Friday night. They met my brother, Bubba, for dinner.
This swing is hung from a huge branch in my mom's backyard. My brother and I use to climb this tree as kids. Emma loves to come and swing in this when over at my mom's house. DuckDuck had to join her.

I guess she loved how her tummy felt on the elephant while at my mom's and she refused to get dressed.

And then she was kissing and talking to the piggy bank after putting money in it. She had a lot of fun with my mom. It makes me feel good that I can leave town and not have to worry. It was the first time I have been away from her and Scott! I enjoyed my time, but was ready to see them too. :)
Monday, January 14, 2013
Golf Cart Riding & 2 Year Check-up
We went to my mom's after church yesterday for the afternoon. We ate lunch and then Scott, Emma, and I went riding on the golf cart. She had so much fun!!
She loved looking around while riding it. She would stay outside all day if we let her. :)
We went back to NayNay's house for a little while before going out again to ride the golf cart. Then Kalynn, NayNay, Emma, and I went riding around. We went to visit Annie and Iris.
We got back and Emma actually held her arms out for Kalynn to get her. Kalynn and I have been friends for fifteen plus years. Emma was not mad- she was tired and had wind blown hair. :) She fell asleep on the way home from NayNay's.
Here is NayNay and Emma after riding for the afternoon. My mom got this golf cart for Christmas from Jeff. He fixed it up with new things, so yesterday was our first time riding it.
Today she had her two year check-up. She was sitting at the table playing a game. She is getting to be such big girl. These two years have flown by way too fast!!
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Birthday Party with Elmo & the Fish
Emma was playing with some chap stick she got for Christmas before heading out this morning. We went with Brittany (the bride) to get fitted for her dress. Then Emma and I met mom for chips and dip!! Then we came home and got ready to head to a birthday party.

It was at our local aquarium. Once everyone arrived, we went to see all of the animals. We saw the turtles first.
Then she got to see some fish and turtles up close.
We even got to watch two divers feed the fish. It was neat!
Here is Emma and Avery. Emma kept wanting to hug Avery. They walked back to the party room hand in hand! It was so sweet!
Here is Kenley, the birthday girl in her cute dress getting ready to have some cake. We had so much fun and Emma is resting up from the party! :)
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Cookies & Clothes
I picked up Emma today after school and met mom at McDonald's for dinner. Mom was going to keep Emma while I went to church. Emma wanted to eat inside the playroom area. She sat on the stool so good!

Then she wanted to play. She has never gone inside of a playground thing before, but she wanted to do this one. Of course she did not want to do it alone, so guess who had to go with her?!?? That's right- ME!! She had so much fun and wanted to do it again. I told her to ask NayNay to go with her and she did. :) I know with a few more times, she will be doing it all by herself. We have a Chick-fil-A in our mall and a drive-thru one, but we are getting one with a sit down area and playground by May, so I know we will spend several days there this summer!

Emma went back to NayNay's house and helped her bake cookies. She was in her pajama's and I guess she still wanted to wear her new TOMS too.

After her bath, it was time for her to taste her baking skills. She then opened her birthday gift from Sandra and wanted to wear it.

She never keeps hats on but mom said she wore this one for awhile. And she was being so silly with it! I bought her two beach hats and a baseball hat from Old Navy recently, so hopefully she will wear those this summer.
Scott went to pick her up and we changed her into this pajama dress she wanted to wear. She got it for her birthday from Grandma Shelby. She loves it and it is so comfortable. Looks like we need to find more pajama dresses for her to wear to bed.
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