Emma has recently found her love for boots! This all happened once boots were no longer sold in stores as they are now preparing for Spring stuff. So I went on a hunt for boots online. I came across these at JCPenney's for $9.00 total!! I could not pass these up. She loves wearing them and we have had cold weather lately so it worked out great.

Then we went to a shoe store and she tried on cowboy boots that she loved but were way too big. I found these online at Target.

This picture was taken on Friday right before school. It was her last day in her current classroom before they moved her up to the next class today.
I don't know what it is with babies wanting to carry around naked dolls??!!??
So Scott went to warm up his truck Friday morning and came back to this!! How can one child make this big of a mess within a minute?? Then she got upset that she could not take all ten plus dolls to school with her. She is a little mama to these dolls. :)

I went out of town for the weekend so my mom got Emma Friday night. They met my brother, Bubba, for dinner.
This swing is hung from a huge branch in my mom's backyard. My brother and I use to climb this tree as kids. Emma loves to come and swing in this when over at my mom's house. DuckDuck had to join her.

I guess she loved how her tummy felt on the elephant while at my mom's and she refused to get dressed.

And then she was kissing and talking to the piggy bank after putting money in it. She had a lot of fun with my mom. It makes me feel good that I can leave town and not have to worry. It was the first time I have been away from her and Scott! I enjoyed my time, but was ready to see them too. :)