This post has pictures/events that Scott loves or loves to do! Emma found his Boston Redsox baseball helmet on our guest bed and she just had to wear it.
We took her to a Braves game this past summer and are excited to take her to more this year!!
Scott loves to camp/fish so we decided to put his tent up in the living room for a few hours. Emma loved it! We would love to take her camping this Spring, even if it is to our local zoo that is five minutes from home. :)
She was laid back watching Mickey Mouse on the I-pad.
We even ate dinner in the tent that night.
Here she is dressed for school on Tuesday.
I was volunteering at a children's consignment sale Tuesday night, so Scott got her from school and they went to Target to look around. She had to take DuckDuck in of course.
Her Valentine's gift was delivered to our house on Friday. We set it up before getting her from school. She got a tent for her first Christmas, but it was getting too small for her and we could not get in and play with her very comfortably.

This picture was taken yesterday before we took her to my mom's for the day. She wanted to wear her new OldNavy hat and was showing off her bracelet. I am glad Scott has a girly girl who likes to do things he likes too. :)