We are in love with Landon's nursery!! Scott did majority of the work in his room. I did staple some fabric down to cover the springs on the glider and steam cleaned the carpet, but that is about it. :/ Here is what the nursery looks like from the doorway. We got a company out of Chicago to make the bedding (skirt, bumper pad, sheet, curtains, blanket, and changing pad cover). The 'L' is simply hung on the wall with just the frame (no glass) hung around it. The crib which was used for Emma was white and Scott painted it with red chalk paint.
Scott found a picture on Pinterest that looked very similar to this with the peg board and shelf and so we made it very similar with our style. We went back and forth between a nautical themed with whales or a baseball themed nursery. We ended up going with Scott's choice of a baseball. He wanted just enough baseball pieces in the room to get the theme across, but without looking like a sports bar. Ha!! This was my dresser growing up and again he painted it red. I am in love with the baskets on the peg board with essentials we will use daily with Landon.

This wall is directly to the right of the bedroom door. He wanted to create a collage of items to go on this bare wall. The red frame has chicken wire with several baseball type pictures. We had a friend paint the baseball canvas. Scott is a huge Boston Red Sox fan and wanted to recreate some score board numbers. We decided to use '14' for the year he is to be born. We ordered the chevron baseball print from Etsy. The pennant is something Scott made to add to the wall.
A close up of the red frame with chicken wire.
We bought this glider from someone local for very cheap and Scott painted it with white chalk paint. We had someone local redo the fabric and to also make the cushions thicker than those that came with the chair. We walked into the fabric section at Hobby Lobby and immediately found fabric that matched his bedding perfectly and knew we had to have it for the glider.
The last wall is his book wall. We bought the shelves from IKEA and love how it turned out! We will add newborn pictures of Landon to the two frames in the middle. The two outside frames hold Boston Red Sox and Atlanta Braves (Scott's two teams) prints that my mom bought for the nursery.
One sweet little thing is missing and then it will be beyond perfect and complete!! Landon will occupy this room in just a few short weeks!!