Today was Emma's first soccer game! She sure did look mighty cute in her jersey, purple socks, and cleats. She practiced really good Tuesday afternoon with her team. She kicked her pink ball like she had been kicking it for awhile. This morning was a different story! She did not want to go out on the field. She would go if someone held her hand. She wanted her pink ball and not the white one that they were playing with during the game. She pretty much sat in mine or my mom's lap. She was like this last year when she first started taking dance and this year she loves it!! So we are hoping it was just all new to her and next week she will do much better!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11- We don't know the plans God has for Emma & Landon's life, but we are excited to be on the journey with them!!
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Friday, September 26, 2014
Landon's New Piano
Mom, Emma, and I went to Target a few days ago and bought this piano toy. I had been thinking about getting it for Landon. When Mom and Emma were in Savannah, another baby there had one and loved it. Landon loves it! He will tap the piano with his foot and it will make noises. He also likes to just lay there and look around at everything. Just about every time he lays on it, he shifts his bod sideways. Emma loves laying down there with him and talking to him!
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
A Place for Schoolwork
I have been wanting to buy one of these for awhile and just recently came across a picture from a coworker who had one displayed in her house. I found out where she got it from and went right away to the store to get it. I am in love that I can now display Emma's schoolwork for us to see daily. Landon will have his displayed too when he starts bringing some home. As we take her schoolwork down, Emma's goes into a tupperware container to keep. She loves to go through and look at all of her schoolwork from time to time. We will have to buy Landon a tupperware container very soon to begin storing his precious work!!
Monday, September 22, 2014
Bath Time
Landon & Emma take a bath together just about every night. We did let Emma take a separate bath the other night because she was wanting to take a bubble bath! She loves putting little cups, ducks, or even crowns on his head during their bath time. Landon loves to just relax and look around while in the tub!
Emma loves to make concoctions with her bath soaps and shampoos. Then when we get Landon out she likes for us to take out his little tub seat so she can stretch out in the water and 'relax' as she calls it!! There is nothing better than a nice warm bath to wind down for the day!!
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Landon is TWO months old!!
How is Landon already two months old?? Time with two kids is going by so much faster! He sleeps 10-11 hours a night, nurses great, and is starting to smile often. He loves his bath time! He is just an all around awesome & content baby. He only cries if he is hungry, sleepy, or has a wet diaper. We are in love with our baby boy!!
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Emma's New Travel Friend & Landon
Emma is about to go to Savannah with my mom os I went to buy her a pet pillow to help her from falling forward while she slept in the car. I picked out the purple cat because she loves cats even though we don't have one. It was sitting in her carseat as a surprise for her when I picked her up from school.
Once we got home I sat down on the floor to let Landon stretch out and watch Emma play in the living room.
Monday, September 15, 2014
My 30th Birthday
Scott surprised me and had my family and few close friends come to the skating rink for a birthday gathering. It was so much fun as I have not skated since college. Emma even got out there and skated some.
My mom and Scott bought me two tickets to go see Justin Timberlake in concert this December. I have been wanting to see him for awhile and cannot wait to go!!
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Multitasking :)
Landon was wanting to be held earlier today so I decided to wrap him up and wear him! :) He fell asleep instantly and then I was able to do some things around the house. He loves being snuggled and I love feeling him close to me. Scott wants to buy a different type of carrier when he gets a little bigger so he can carry him too!
Friday, September 12, 2014
Lazy Friday at Home
I leave as soon as my students leave on Friday's so I am able to pick up Emma & Landon earlier. We came home to watch cartoons & relax until Scott got home. Emma loves to come straight home and put on her pajamas! She gets it honest though because I do the same thing. She was trying to put the hospital hat on her head!!
She was being silly here posing in her Cinderella dress.
Landon enjoys snuggling with me after I pick him up if he isn't too tired and wanting his crib!
Emma loves to get all up next to him. We are having to remind her about personal space and not to suffocate him while she is just trying to love on him. :)
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Emma's Back to Dancing
Emma recently started taking dance for her second year. Here she is on one of her first nights of dance. She had not received her leotard yet.
We just received her leotard and she was excited to put them on for her dance class. She has been so excited about going to class this year. At the beginning of last year, she was clingy to us when it was time for class. Now she walks right up to her teacher for class. We are excited to watch her performance this year and see how she has grown from her first recital.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Sweet Smile
Landon has the sweetest smile and is smiling a lot more now. He loves when Emma gets in his face and will smile so big at her. They are going to have so much fun when he can sit up and start really playing with her!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Enjoying Staying Home & Being Outside
Yesterday, the Red Sox were playing so I put Landon in one of his onesies. Scott was happy to see him in it.
Today we had a chill out day at home. Landon loved stretching out of the floor.
Emma did too and brought her toys to join her. She has a ton of tiny toys that we will have to keep a close eye on once Landon starts being mobile.
Then we went outside where Landon loved the fresh air. Emma always loved being outside as a baby too.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
A Night at NaeNae's
My mom kept Emma last night. She also kept Landon for a few hours while Scott & I went to a couple's wedding shower. We came back to get Landon after the shower. Emma was so excited to stay with NaeNae!! She is so easy to pack for now, but we forgot her pajamas. She wore one of NaeNae's shirts.

The next morning she was getting ready for church and decided she needed some powder! :)
Emma went to church with NaeNae and we picked her up after our church was over. Scott & I both realized just how easy it is to get an infant ready for church. We did not realize it the first time around with Emma! But Landon didn't fight us with what to wear and we didn't have to wait around on three year old timeframe. But we sure did miss Emma!!!
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Emma the Photographer
Emma had my phone yesterday while we were running errands and decided to be the photographer. She is 3 1/2 years old and knows exactly how to locate the camera and take pictures on my phone without and help! She was so excited of her photo taking skills! I was pretty impressed too. :)
Friday, September 5, 2014
Cutie Pie
Landon is doing a great job trying to hold his head up! Tonight after baths I propped him up in his crib and he did so good!! He is such a cutie!! I am loving his smiles these days!
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Laying Around
My mom has been on vacation so we hung out with her today. We ran several errands, grabbed lunch, and got our cars washed. Then we went to her house for awhile. Landon laid out on the carpet for awhile and Emma decided to join him! Sweet siblings!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Skydiving Trip
I didn't do a big surprise 30th for Scott's birthday in July because Landon's due date was on Scott's birthday. Needless to say he did not arrive then, but we were not sure when he would make his arrival. Instead I gave him a skydiving trip which is something he has been wanting to do for a long time and something on his "bucket list." Here is Landon on our way to Jacksonville for the weekend!
We stopped halfway there to an outlet mall. Emma was being silly with NaeNae.
We got to Jacksonville and went straight to the beach. Emma loves the beach and asked the whole trip if we were at the beach. She was so excited when we finally arrived! Here is Landon enjoying his first beach trip at almost six weeks old.
We left the beach and ate some of the best fish/shrimp/steak tacos to date! Then we went to hotel so we could get Landon settled for the night. He is sleeping great and we did not want to mess that up. Scott, Emma, and NaeNae went to the pool for awhile! Scott revently got a GoPro camera and he was wanting to test it out in the pool. It worked great in the ocean earlier that day. We woke up the next morning and went to the skydiving place. Landon was passed out in the shade waiting on his daddy to skydive.
Scott was getting closer to skydiving!
Here he is about to get in plane to head into the sky. I did not get nervous until the plane took off! Scott said the hardest part was putting his legs out of the plane at 12,500 feet in the air.
It took about 25 or so minuted from the time he took off until he landed. Landon and Emma did so good for the several hours we were there. Landon was taking another nap while waiting on his daddy. That little fan put out a good bit of breeze on him.
He landed!!!!! He said he would do it again.
We got there and found out you could just walk in and skydive for not much more money than someone who had a reservation, so mom decided to skydive too. She went up as soon as Scott landed!
Skydiving CHAMPS!! They are much braver than I am that is for sure!
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