I didn't do a big surprise 30th for Scott's birthday in July because Landon's due date was on Scott's birthday. Needless to say he did not arrive then, but we were not sure when he would make his arrival. Instead I gave him a skydiving trip which is something he has been wanting to do for a long time and something on his "bucket list." Here is Landon on our way to Jacksonville for the weekend!
We stopped halfway there to an outlet mall. Emma was being silly with NaeNae.
We got to Jacksonville and went straight to the beach. Emma loves the beach and asked the whole trip if we were at the beach. She was so excited when we finally arrived! Here is Landon enjoying his first beach trip at almost six weeks old.
We left the beach and ate some of the best fish/shrimp/steak tacos to date! Then we went to hotel so we could get Landon settled for the night. He is sleeping great and we did not want to mess that up. Scott, Emma, and NaeNae went to the pool for awhile! Scott revently got a GoPro camera and he was wanting to test it out in the pool. It worked great in the ocean earlier that day. We woke up the next morning and went to the skydiving place. Landon was passed out in the shade waiting on his daddy to skydive.
Scott was getting closer to skydiving!
Here he is about to get in plane to head into the sky. I did not get nervous until the plane took off! Scott said the hardest part was putting his legs out of the plane at 12,500 feet in the air.
It took about 25 or so minuted from the time he took off until he landed. Landon and Emma did so good for the several hours we were there. Landon was taking another nap while waiting on his daddy. That little fan put out a good bit of breeze on him.
He landed!!!!! He said he would do it again.
We got there and found out you could just walk in and skydive for not much more money than someone who had a reservation, so mom decided to skydive too. She went up as soon as Scott landed!
Skydiving CHAMPS!! They are much braver than I am that is for sure!