The hospital drove me CRAZY!! Now don't get me wrong, everybody (whether it was a nurse, doctor, janitor, or the sweet lady that took me to my car to leave) I met while I was there were some of the nicest people I have ever met. Even at 2:00 in the morning!! But I was ready to go to my own Home Sweet Home.
I always over pack when we go on vacation and it was no exception for the hospital. You would have thought I was going on an extended vacation. I didn't use ninety percent of what I took.....I have learned my lesson for next time!!!
She was so relaxed under the lights. |
We stayed Wednesday night in order to prep me for my induction. Emma was born on a Thursday so we knew we would be staying that night. Her doctor came to check her and everything looked great. He came back early Friday morning to check her again and her bilirubin level was too high for a baby at 12 hours old. She was starting to get jaundice. I am no doctor so I hope I just stated that correctly. He wanted her to stay under the lights all day. Going home on Friday was out of the question. If one thing, I am very thankful he caught it early and we were there. I would not have wanted to keep her under the lights at home. It was much more safe for her to stay there with nurses monitoring her at all times.
Leaving the hospital. |
So 3 nights in the hospital about did Scott and I in. He slept in a small recliner right beside the air conditioner all three nights. I woke up every 2 hours when the nurses came to check on me or Emma. I guess it was preparation for the first few weeks at home when Emma would wake up every couple hours. Emma's level began to go back to normal with the lights Friday evening so around noon on Saturday we were released from the hospital. My mom was a huge help!! Scott got sick while at the hospital so he stayed in bed the first two days we were home. My mom stayed with us for about the first 4 nights. She cooked breakfast, went grocery shopping, fixed lunch and dinner, and just SPOILED us!! I was very nervous the first night without her but we all survived!!
First full day at home....3 days old. |