Dear Emma,
You had your first doctor's appointment at 4 days old where everything looked good. You experienced your first trip to town which just happened to be at Target, one of my favorite stores.You experienced your first road trip to visit mommy's friend and her baby. You experienced your first time at church, which fell on your one month birthday as we dedicated you.
You had your first bath at home on 1.8.11, which you did not really care for. I can't blame you though.....who wants to lay on a towel naked while getting clean from a sponge. Not me!!! But at 15 days old, you had your first tub bath. You weren't sure about it at first(looking at the picture below), but it has become one of your favorite parts of your day.
We noticed your first smile around 1.23.11. We would noticed you smiling the most when we would feed you. I can't blame you there either....I LOVE food too!! Around 3 weeks old you started sleeping around 6 hours a night. Mommy and daddy felt like new people.
You came out with blue eyes and brown hair. You had this blonde streak in your hair. It was so cool looking. Now it has blended in with your hair as it has turned lighter. You weighed 8.2 pounds and were 21 inches long. You got your daddy's chin with the dimple and it is so cute. I hoped you would get it.
At your one month check-up, you weighed 8.8 pounds and were 22.5 inches long. You had to get your first shot (Hep-B). You and I both cried when you got it. I hated seeing you in pain.
Cali is loving getting to know you. She loves to sneak up and lick you before mommy & daddy stop her. |

You changed so much that first short month.
We love you so much sweet girl!!
Mommy & Daddy