Scott is so excited that Georgia Football has finally arrived! We dressed Emma and Landon up in "dawg" clothes to match Scott! I need to get a shirt to wear on Georgia Saturdays to match them too!!! :)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11- We don't know the plans God has for Emma & Landon's life, but we are excited to be on the journey with them!!
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Landon Wearing
I went back and forth on whether I would actually use a baby wrap/sling with Landon. I really wanted one but wasn't sure it would actually get used. Then I had a hard time choosing which one to buy. I wanted something that could grow with him, was safe, and easy to use. I chose to get the Baby K'tan after reading a lot of good reviews about it and talking personally to someone who used and loved it. Landon loved it this day which was the first day I tried him in it. Scott is sad he can't use it. We might have to get him a more manly baby carrier!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Emma & Landon Update
We have been busy as a family of four!! Emma is still in love with her 'buddy' and loves to be around him. She gives him kisses all the time.
Here is Landon passed out after moving Scott's sister, Ashleigh into her new apartment. He worked too hard! :)
Emma and I wanted to see how he liked her old play mat. He seemed to like it until he got fussy and wanted to go sleep.
Again, she loves cuddling with him!! So stinking sweet!!
Last week we went to my dads so Emma could play on her play set. She helped PawPaw refill all of his bird feeders and birdbath. She wasn't feeling pictures at this moment, but I took them anyways. :) Landon was missing all of the fun. While we were outside, he was inside asleep.
Emma wanted to be like me while I was getting my pedicure. She did get her toenails painted. We are going to take her real soon to a place that has chairs her size! She will love it.
Our church has new playgrounds. I took Emma to play yesterday. She wanted to play on the outside one over the inside one. It was breezy outside and Landon was loving sitting outside in the shade while Emma played.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Emma & Cali
Emma loves playing with Cali. Cali is such a great dog and lets Emma hang all over her. Cali has never barked or done anything out of the way towards Emma. She is the best dog for kids!!! We got Cali's hair cut and Emma was so excited to go pick her up when she was finished. Cali rode the whole way home sitting in Emma's lap. Such sweet girls!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Landon Is ONE Month Old
Seriously!! How Landon is already a month old is beyond me. It was such a fast month. This first month has been so easy. I know a lot has to do with him being our second baby and we feel much more comfortable and confident in what we are doing! ;)
He is such a content and happy baby! He is nursing well and sleeping great. He is sleeping 7 hours on average each night!!! He is smiling some and making a few 'talking' noises.
He has the BEST big sister. She is absolutely in love with him. She loves to kiss him and check on him during the day. She is quick to tell us when he is crying (in case we can't hear him). :)
It is so amazing how God allows you to love both of your babies the exact same. Landon arrived 3 1/2 years after it has just been us and Emma, but we love them both the exact same!!! I can't wait to watch them become friends as they grow up as siblings!!!
Monday, August 18, 2014
Landon's First Pool Experience
We took Emma swimming yesterday at Scott's great aunts house. We packed Landon's swimsuit in case we put him into the pool. We tried it and he was not that impressed. I think the water was a little too cool for him. Emma loved the water though!
Susan and Emma had a blast playing together in the pool.
After a few minutes he did seem to enjoy it a little. We had him under a huge umbrella since he is too young for sunscreen.
We are going to the beach in a few weeks so hopefully he will like the water a little more by then!!
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Two Weeks At Home
Well we have been home for a little over two weeks now and time is seriously flying! I so wish time would slow down. I had a feeling while I was pregnant with Landon that time would zoom by with two little ones and it has proven to be true. :( I must always remember to cherish every moment!! Landon has been an awesome baby! He eats great and sleeps even better. He is currently sleeping 6-7 hour stretches at night!!! Here we are at a park when he was two days old! His first restaurant outing was earlier this day at Cracker Barrel.
He was getting some good sleep by his window while the sun was shining through.
Here is Landon passed out on Scott's lap. Emma was currently at Disney World having the time of her life with Nae Nae and Jill.
Then he took nap on my lap outside. We had a day or two of cooler weather and it felt really good outside.
Emma use to suck these exact same two fingers. Thankfully she just outgrew it one night.
Big sister arrived back home and was showing off some of her new pajamas she got while at Disney World!
This was our first day solo without Scott. He returned to work this day and we did great with just the three of us, but we missed him like crazy! She loves holding her 'baby'!!
Scott had to work late one night last week, so we went to my moms to hang out. Landon experienced his first golf cart ride!!
Thankfully his cord and circumcision healed by day six and Emma was so excited to take a bath with Landon.
They were both enjoying some floor time.
Seriously the cutest little baby face and expressions.
Landon was getting some good sleep here!!
I took this picture to send to Scott while he was at work.
He is such a sweet & content baby!
Yesterday, he had his two week well check. He is gaining weight and everything looks great! Then we went to eat at Mellow Mushroom. It was one of the first places we took Emma as an infant. She wanted to help burp him and then wanted to hold him for a few minutes. She is such a sweet big sister!!
Then today she wanted to pretend she was a puppy dog and went to her room to find her paws (slippers). She plays so well by herself and has such an imagination these days.
We are loving our time together at home!!!
Friday, August 1, 2014
Tinker Bell :)
We surprised Emma and bought her this Tinker Bell costume and shoes tonight. After eating Shogun's with the Heaths, she came home to try it out!
I love my sassy, sweet, silly girl so much!!!
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