Well we have been home for a little over two weeks now and time is seriously flying! I so wish time would slow down. I had a feeling while I was pregnant with Landon that time would zoom by with two little ones and it has proven to be true. :( I must always remember to cherish every moment!! Landon has been an awesome baby! He eats great and sleeps even better. He is currently sleeping 6-7 hour stretches at night!!! Here we are at a park when he was two days old! His first restaurant outing was earlier this day at Cracker Barrel.
He was getting some good sleep by his window while the sun was shining through.
Here is Landon passed out on Scott's lap. Emma was currently at Disney World having the time of her life with Nae Nae and Jill.
Then he took nap on my lap outside. We had a day or two of cooler weather and it felt really good outside.
Emma use to suck these exact same two fingers. Thankfully she just outgrew it one night.
Big sister arrived back home and was showing off some of her new pajamas she got while at Disney World!
This was our first day solo without Scott. He returned to work this day and we did great with just the three of us, but we missed him like crazy! She loves holding her 'baby'!!
Scott had to work late one night last week, so we went to my moms to hang out. Landon experienced his first golf cart ride!!
Thankfully his cord and circumcision healed by day six and Emma was so excited to take a bath with Landon.
They were both enjoying some floor time.
Seriously the cutest little baby face and expressions.
Landon was getting some good sleep here!!
I took this picture to send to Scott while he was at work.
He is such a sweet & content baby!
Yesterday, he had his two week well check. He is gaining weight and everything looks great! Then we went to eat at Mellow Mushroom. It was one of the first places we took Emma as an infant. She wanted to help burp him and then wanted to hold him for a few minutes. She is such a sweet big sister!!
Then today she wanted to pretend she was a puppy dog and went to her room to find her paws (slippers). She plays so well by herself and has such an imagination these days.
We are loving our time together at home!!!