We have been busy as a family of four!! Emma is still in love with her 'buddy' and loves to be around him. She gives him kisses all the time.
Here is Landon passed out after moving Scott's sister, Ashleigh into her new apartment. He worked too hard! :)
Emma and I wanted to see how he liked her old play mat. He seemed to like it until he got fussy and wanted to go sleep.
Again, she loves cuddling with him!! So stinking sweet!!
Last week we went to my dads so Emma could play on her play set. She helped PawPaw refill all of his bird feeders and birdbath. She wasn't feeling pictures at this moment, but I took them anyways. :) Landon was missing all of the fun. While we were outside, he was inside asleep.
Emma wanted to be like me while I was getting my pedicure. She did get her toenails painted. We are going to take her real soon to a place that has chairs her size! She will love it.
Our church has new playgrounds. I took Emma to play yesterday. She wanted to play on the outside one over the inside one. It was breezy outside and Landon was loving sitting outside in the shade while Emma played.