Tuesday, August 27, 2013

She Loves to Draw- Car Washes Not So Much

I know I have posed several pictures lately of Emma drawing, but she loves to draw!!! She goes right to where we keep the computer paper and gets some and the asks for a pen to use. She knows that she can only draw on the paper and has not tried drawing on furniture or walls.......yet! Hopefully she won't ever try that. :)
We went to get Scott's car washed on Saturday. She has been through the carwash several times. She does not love them, but is okay in her seat. Well this time she wanted to sit on the console in the front. We let her since it was just a car wash, we were both in the car, and it was located in a gated parking lot. She loved sitting up front watching everything and not sitting right by the window! I told Scott she will probably now request to sit up front every time. We rode by the same carwash this afternoon and she acted like she wanted to go back to it. Uh huh- just to sit up front. She can't fool us!! ;)
 Why does she have to look so much older than she is in this picture?!? Where did my 2 1/2 year old go? Time really could slow down some!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Life With Emma (& Friends) Lately!

We hung out with Jaxon and his family a few weeks ago. We ate pizza and then went and got frozen yogurt. 
Big Sister Kylan wanted in the picture too. :) And Emma finally decided to look at the camera.
She LOVES to draw!!
She has recently been wanting to help us cook dinner. We were preparing fried chicken this night and she was a great help!
She has also recently been wanting to wear this hats more often.
Friday night, we met Jaxon's family at the movies to see 'Planes'- it did not hold their attention. Emma sat through both 'Despicable Me's' and 'Nemo', but not 'Planes'.
So we just had our Fall consignment sale and I picked up these pj's for Emma. She has never been a fan of Santa and refuses to get anywhere near him for pictures. But recently, she is all about 'Santa Clause' so she got excited when she saw these and wanted to wear them as soon as I washed them. Maybe she will sit in his lap this year??!! :/

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Back to School!!!

I started back to school yesterday. I have a very sweet group of first graders! I always get nervous for the first day, but then I get there and jump right back into it and the nerves go away. This is my seventh year teaching and I have been teaching first grade in the same room all of those years!!! I am excited to see what this school year has in store and cannot wait to see my student's get excited when they learn new things! Emma moved up in her Sunday School class this Sunday and walked right in like a big girl. Also, Emma moves up to her next daycare class on next Monday. I am excited for her to learn more new things & hopefully become potty trained sometime soon!