Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year's Eve

It looks like Emma was ready to close out 2015 and welcome 2016 with her braid, sunglasses, and her new baby doll!!! It has been such a great year! I can only hope 2016 will be just as great too!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Scott's Surgery

Scott has been dealing with painful heartburn for awhile now and even with medicine he suffered with it. After many tests to see if he would qualify for the surgery it was confirmed that he would indeed need the surgery. Here he is before surgery
 He loved his purple no slip socks! Safety first!!!
Update as of 12/13/16- The surgery went great and after several weeks of recovery he was able to go back to his normal activities and eating habits. He does not eat the amount he use to could because his stomach is smaller from the surgery. He has no more heartburn since the surgery. It was very successful!!!!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Morning

Santa came and left Emma & Landon surprises!! Landon got a tool bench set and Emma got a big dollhouse and a baby alive doll. They both got a trampoline. 
Emma liked playing with Landon's tool bench!! They were painting the birdhouse that changed colors with water. 
 They both loved the trampoline and I know they will spend endless amounts of time out on that in the years to come!!
Emma took a break and decided it was time to play on her leap pad with her new headphones. 
 Then they went back outside to jump with daddy!
It has been a great day!!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve at Moms

For the past several years we have been doing Christmas with my mom on Christmas Eve. We normally go get breakfast and then go back to her house to open presents. Mom has three grandkids in this picture, but one won't officially be here until May. :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas with Scott's Grandpa

The past couple of years we have gone to visit Scott's grandpa at his assisted living center for appetizers and fellowship. Here is his grandpa with some of his grandkids and great grandkids. One more great grandkid will join us in February!!

Riding Around with NaeNae

My mom had foot surgery right before Thanksgiving and has to be off of them until for awhile. She was tired of being confined to the house, so we ventured out to the mall and Target. Emma enjoyed riding along with her and not having to walk around the mall. 
 Then Landon got his turn to ride around with NaeNae and get a break from the buggy and stroller. They sure do love their NaeNaw a whole bunch and she loves them just as big!!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Christmas at Aunt Joyce's

We always have Christmas at Aunt Joyce's the Saturday before Christmas. Emma loves being around everyone, eating the yummy food, playing Dirty Santa, and taking pictures in front of the Christmas tree. Landon was probably too busy to stop for a picture!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Emma's Christmas Party

Emma had her pre-k Christmas party today at school. I am so glad that I work right down the street and could go to her party. Her teacher had set up different Christmas centers for the students. This one was where she had to blow Rudolph's nose across the floor the fastest. 
 Then she got to pretend to be a Christmas tree and even got ornaments hung on her. 

 She then got to make her own Christmas necklace before eating yummy Christmas snacks. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Sweetest Message

I was on Etsy looking for unique Christmas gifts and I came across this idea. I had Emma write this sweet note out for me since she tells me she loves me all the time. Then I had the message turned into a keychain. I love it as it is her sweet four year old handwriting. I will cherish it forever. I also got my mom one for Christmas as I know she will want one!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

A New Driver in the Family

We went to Atlanta to watch Scott's HS play in the playoffs. They won!!! While we were up there, Landon decided he wanted to drive. He looks to be doing a great job- hands on the wheel and eyes on the road!!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Landon's Christmas Program

Landon and his daycare had their Christmas program tonight. Each class sings a song and then we eat dinner there at the church. They also have a silent auction and Santa Clause always comes to get pictures with all of the kids. This was his second Christmas program. Last year he was carried because he was only four months old. This year he was almost 18 months and was a big boy. He just kinda stood there and looked around, but he did not cry so that is always good!!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Our Christmas Tree

We went and picked out our tree and it is all done!!! This is the main tree in our living room. We have a tree in the dining room that you can kinda see in the background that we showcase the kids keepsake handmade ornaments. The kids both have a tree in their rooms. Emma's is all princesses and Landon's is all super heros. Scott also has one in the office that is GA Bulldog themed. I guess my personal tree is the little red one from Pier One that I place all of our Christmas cards on. I love taping the cards on that tree and look at the pictures often throughout Decemeber. 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Santa Picture was a Success

So I knew taking Landon and Emma to see Santa this year would result in two different pictures. One would be with Emma by herself or two would be that Emma would be smiling and Landon would be screaming. Well Scott and I were both shocked when Landon sat on Santa's lap and laughed and smiled the entire time. I love the way this picture turned out!!!