Sunday, December 30, 2012

Krista's Birthday and Fun Park

Yesterday was Krista's birthday so we went over to their house for a BBQ dinner. My mom, dad, and her dad and family came to celebrate.
She recently got a cookie jar with attachment system for Christmas, so she got several attachments for her birthday. We got her an umbrella for April showers. 
Sunday Emma and I met mom, Brandon, Krista, and her family up at Fun Park for rides and games. Scott was at the movies with some guys. Emma spotted the carousel as soon as we walked in the door. :)
Then she rode the carriage ride. It was a little bumpy!!
Here is Brandon and Mom with Emma. 
We then went to go play this game a few times. She loved rolling the ball. Then mom would roll in to get points. 
She also enjoyed pulling the tickets from all of the games we played.
She got more tickets on this coin game than anyone else. :)
Mom, Emma, and I took a break from playing to eat a snack. We got M&M's and mom was teaching Emma her colors.
Mouth full of M&M's here. 
 Then Buba (Brandon) took her to ride the horses again- which turned into like five more times!!
 I was trying to get a picture of Emma looking with Krista and Brandon, but she was clearly in her own little world while riding the horse. We had so much fun!!

Ringing In The New Year!!

We met up with four other couples from our Sunday School class at Moe's for dinner. I wish I would have taken a picture of Emma at Moe's, but I didn't. She sat in the chair all by herself and ate so good. She fed herself and everything without making a mess. Our baby girl is growing up so fast!! Then we went back to one of their houses for snacks and fellowship. 
Here is Erin, Kendra, Angela, and I sitting around talking. We left around 10:30 and got home and settled down with Emma. She fell asleep around 11:30. I woke up all stuffy yesterday so I am hoping to get some sort of sleep tonight. :/
2012 has been a great year!! We celebrated Emma turning ONE, watched her go from crawling to walking, celebrated four years of marriage, went to Savannah for our anniversary, went to Orlando for a week in June, went back to the beach in October, and experienced so many things with Emma. She surprises us daily with new things she is doing and learning. We are excited to see what happens in 2013!!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Out & About

We went to the mall to return a few things and walk around on Thursday. Emma thinks she is too big for her stroller. She loved walking the whole time and would just swing her arms all over the place. She loves looking at the display for Chick-fil-A that is across from Old Navy. I love this outfit she got from Lillie for Christmas. 
We took her later to stay the night with Papi and GranGran. She had a great time. Aunt Ashleigh got the joy of sharing the bed with her. :) She now knows what we went through all those months she slept with us. Thankfully she loves her big girl bed and sleeps in it every night! We met them yesterday in Thomasville to get her and to eat at Jonah's. It is an awesome Christian based restaurant. I have been three times and have always gotten the same thing- Shrimp and Grits. It is too good not to get, but one of these days, I will venture out and try something new. :)
Then we went walking around downtown Thomasville. I love their downtown area.
Once we got back in town, we went over to Brandon and Krista's for a minute. Emma loved playing with their two dogs. This one (Daisy) is bigger than Emma, but so so sweet!
We picked up Taco Bell and Emma enjoyed eating it at her new table!
Christmas was here and gone in the blink of an eye. :( I have taken down my tree attachment off my cookie jar and replaced it with a snowman one that Brandon and Krista got me for Christmas! And it is perfect for the cold weather we have been having this week. I am not a fan of cold weather. I do not want to wish time away, but I am looking forward to Spring. :)

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Continued :)

We went to my dad's Wednesday to have Christmas with him. We waited until after lunch once Krista got off work to begin. Our tradition with him growing up was to have ham, sausage, eggs, rice, and now hash brown casserole to eat before opening gifts. Dad got Emma a picnic table, a babydoll that can take a bath with Emma, and a few other things. She has loved both of them so far!!

 Once we left there and got home, Scott's mom stopped by to give Emma her gifts. They got Emma a basketball goal and some clothes. She is set on toys for awhile!! :)

Christmas Day- New Traditions

Here is Emma Christmas Eve night. We had just put out cookies and milk for Santa. Emma saw them and they quickly became cookies and milk for Emma. Good thing Santa is sweet and did not mind sharing! :)
We did something different this year and decided to start staying home on Christmas day. We would normally go to my dad's or other houses to open gifts from them, but it just got to be too much with a toddler. And I would love to start going to the movies as a family in a few years when Emma gets older. It was so nice to stay in our pajama's all day long! :) Santa bought Emma this kitchen. We also started this year by getting her three gifts to open from us. We want her to realize the importance of Christmas and that is not all about gifts. A saying I have heard several times this Christmas season has really stuck. We have to remember- "It's not our birthday!!!" :) Her three gifts from us were this slide, a first Bible, and a box of clothes. 
Here she is opening one of her gifts. My mom stopped by to see us and then my dad stopped by and ate lunch with us.

After he left, Emma took a nap. For dinner, we ran to pick up Chinese for us to eat. Yes, Emma and I went in our pajamas since we were not getting out of the car. I loved our new tradition we started this year!! It made the day more relaxed and less stressful. And Emma got to stay home and play with her kitchen and slide all day!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Eve

These days a post would not be complete without Mickey Mouse being apart of it. Emma was chilled out watching Mickey Mouse while holding her Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. 
Ok now for our Christmas Eve. :) We always go and eat at Pearly's (a home/country cooking place). Emma was loving the toast with jelly on it. 
It seems like a lot of people have made eating at Pearly's for Christmas Eve breakfast a tradition because it was super busy. 
Then we went back to my mom's to open gifts.
She got Emma a portable DVD player, doll house, babydoll, and a few other gifts. Brandon and Krista got Emma a stoller to push her babydoll in around the house.
Mom shocked us with a flatscreen TV. We were not expecting that. Then we came home to rest and let Emma nap before Scott's dad and Susan came over. Of course, Scott and Brandon were busy getting the new TV hooked up. Here is Joe & Susan!
Ashleigh and Grandma Mary came over once Ashleigh got off work. This was one of the first times that Emma has gone to Ashleigh and played with her.
I know Ashleigh was so excited Emma was letting her hold her.
Then they started acting silly!!
Silly silly girls!!! :)
Then Emma wanted to get a picture and Cali (BoBo) had to be in it.
Here is a picture of Susan and her mom (Grandma Mary).
We had a lot of fun with them. We snacked on chips and salsa, ate turkey, dressing, green bean casserole, corn casserole, pumpkin cheesecake, Santa hat desserts, and hot chocolate. They got Emma a bat/ball/tee set and a shopping cart.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Party, Gift, & Lights

Emma had her Christmas party at school yesterday. She loved eating the chicken I brought and the Cheetos. 
She got to eat beside her good friend, Abby. Abby's mom and I work together. Emma use to say Abby's name 1000 times a day. :)
Today, we had a lazy morning at home. We got up and cooked eggs and bacon. Then after lunch, my mom, Emma, and I went to the mall (crazy idea :)) for about an hour. Emma did so well in such a crowded place. We came home and she crashed in her bed with Duck Duck. 
Then some good friends of ours came over and brought Emma a Christmas gift. They gave her a puppy. Emma calls her and every other dog Bo Bo and this one looks very similar to Cali. After they left, we took her to ride a train and look at Christmas lights. 
 I think the news said this house has over 60,000 lights!!!
 They had all kinds of figurines & stands of decorations in their yard.
 Here is Emma and Scott getting ready to ride the train. I rode with her after they got back. We then went to Publix to get food to prepare during the next couple days. She did so well in Publix. She loves riding in the car grocery carts!! We have really enjoyed our Saturday!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Card 2012

Here is our Christmas card for 2012!! I LOVE it. Etsy is such a wonderful site. :) This picture on the front describes Emma's personality perfect. She is so much fun!!! We had this picture taken in October as part of our Fall mini session.
Here is the back of our card. The first picture was taken in October too. The other two were taken in January as part of my mom's Christmas 2011 present. Emma was just over a year old in the middle and last picture. She still LOVES to suck those two fingers. 
 We hope you have a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year as well!!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mo Mo & Duck Duck

Emma was running a fever one day last week so Scott stayed home part of the next day with her. My mom stayed the rest of the day with her. Scott treated Emma to Chick-fil-A for breakfast!
Then he started to wrap some of my presents from him and Emma. She was trying to help him! The helping quickly turned into playing. :)
She has been pulling this bucket around the house with her dolls in it. She then decided she wanted to sit in it and watch Mickey Mouse. She is a funny funny girl!
We took her this past Monday to see Mickey Mouse live. She use to be all about Mickey (mo mo), but now she loves Donald Duck (duck duck to her). She sat there the whole time and just stared at the stage. 
She loved eating her popcorn and drinking her lemonade during the show. It only took about 10 tries with the bright flash to get one where she was actually looking at the camera.

Not the best picture because it was dark and she was wanting to get down, but here she is with my mom, duck duck, and her newest friend my mom got her (mini Mickey Mouse).
She was playing with Donald's beak once we got back into the car to head home.
Then she started being silly because of the flash in her face. Then she played with mini Mickey before passing out and going to sleep. She slept the whole ninety miles back home.

Emma's class is having a Christmas party tomorrow at school. I made these cute goody bags for her classmates. One has food they can throw out for the reindeer and the other has reindeer noses in them. Eight chocolate candies and one red one for Rudolph. :) Super cute idea I found on pinterest.
Last night, two of my good friends got together to eat Taco soup and make something sweet. Emma loved the soup and did so good eating it all by herself. She is getting to be such a big girl and thinks she can do so much on her own!