Sunday, November 30, 2014

First Family Picture

Sad to say, but it took us 4 months to get a family picture with all 4 of us in it!! :) We were eating at Cheddar's on the way to see the Christmas lights at Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

My Ice Cream Driver & Roller Coaster Girl

Emma and I were at the mall today and I let her ride in the ice cream truck. She wants to ride this every time we pass them, so it is a nice surprise to her when we stop and actually let her ride them.
 Then she hopped on the roller coaster to go for a ride!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Play Date at the Mall

We met some friends of ours and their girls at the mall today! The first stop was to see Santa! After we saw Santa, we all rode the train. Emma chose the front open car, so her and Landon were able to look out and see everything so good!
 Then we all went to look at the puppies at the pet store. We then walked to grab something to eat at Chick-fil-A and eat it by the big Christmas tree located in the center of the mall. Landon fell asleep between the pet store and to eat. 
 We said good-bye to our friends after eating and went home so I could feed Landon. When Scott got home from work, we went to the clay shop to make a Christmas plate with Landon's hands and Emma's foot. I will post a picture when I get the plate back. They have a playroom that Emma loves to play in and Scott tried Landon on the rocking horse while we were there. :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Just Relaxing

He loves laying & stretching out on his piano activity mat.
His big sister sure does love him a lot!!
This picture cracks me up!! He was nursing and I guess did not want to look at me this time. That hand is so precious to me!!!
 He is loving the relaxing at home!!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Happy 4 Months!!

Landon turned 4 months old today! I say it all the time, but he really is such a happy & content baby! He just experienced his first Halloween as Olaf while his big sissy was Elsa.  He also got very sick with RSV during this month. Today marks the beginning of my week off of work for Thanksgiving and I plan on soaking up as much of that time loving on him and Emma!!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monkey See, Monkey Do

So tonight as I was getting Landon ready for his bath, Emma came into the bathroom with her elephant. She was copying what I was doing with Landon to her elephant. It was so cute. Let's just say, Emma has done everything to her stuffed animals from trying to nurse them to burping them. Haha!! :)

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Just Me & the Kids

Scott left this morning to go tailgate in Athens for the Ga/Auburn game. My mom came over before lunch and we went out to run some errands. I dressed Landon is grey pants, a navy shirt, and an orange/navy hat before I realized of all days I had dressed him in Auburn colors. :) And I was not about to change him into something else. But I did remember we had a Georgia paci that could help offset the poor choice of clothes for today. 
 I asked Emma if she wanted to wear a dress, skirt, or jeans. She has not really liked wearing jeans much lately, so she wanted to wear a skirt. After I dressed her she looked down at herself and said, "I am pretty!" :)
 I told her she needed to take another picture because her eyes were closed. She wanted to see the picture of her eyes closed but I had already deleted it, so she made me take another picture where she closed her eyes on purpose just to be able to see what she looked like. Silly girl!!
 My mom took Emma to spend the night with her. Here is Landon at one of his favorite spots- in the tub! He fell asleep at 6:45 and now I have a quiet, peaceful house for the rest of the night!!
It's funny how you long for alone time, but as soon as you get it you are bored and missing the craziness that comes with babies/toddlers!!!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Landon & RSV

I took this picture Friday night when Scott was holding Landon. His poor eyes were looking so pitiful! So at the last minute Saturday morning I rushed out of the house to take him to the doctor. I got there about five minutes before they closed. I really thought it was just a small cold where they wouldn't be able to do anything but let it run its course with him being so young!
I get there and the test confirmed he has RSV! :( I felt horrible, but so thankful I went and didn't put it off until Sunday or even today! We are to do breathing treatments throughout the day and he is to miss daycare this next week. Scott stayed home with him and sent me these pictures today. 
 Here he is during one of his breathing treatments. Pretty sure this little princess passed on her cough/sickness to her baby brother. 
Emma wanted in on the breathing treatment fun too!!
Getting extra cuddles!
 He has still been his happy laid back self. His eyes look so much better. And thankful that the albuterol has not messed with his sleep like I was warned that it might!
 We are both off tomorrow for Veteran's Day and then Scott will stay home with him on Wednesday & Thursday since he has so many sick hours. I used all of mine during my maternity leave. I will be staying home with him on Friday though. We will take him back to the doctor for a checkup on Wednesday to make sure the treatments are working!!