Thursday, October 31, 2019

Waiting on Baby

We are patiently waiting on baby to make his/her arrival. Landon was testing out the rocker. I am pretty sure he is living up to the middle child syndrome here where he doesn't quite want to give up the baby status. :)
Here is the nursery for now. I wanted a space that had a relaxing/calm feel to it. I am loving the grey, navy, and dark wood. If baby is a boy, we will add more mint colors to the room and if baby is a girl, we will add more apricot colors to the room. 
Scott built all three bookshelves/shelf.
I created a poll on social media and was surprised that so many are predicting that I am having a girl. 
Scott took this picture of Emma and I Monday. My due date may have been yesterday, but I still plan on working the next three days unless baby comes before then. 
Scott randomly took this picture Monday evening. He is not happy baby hasn't come yet and I keep telling him it will probably be Friday before we meet baby. I will be induced Friday if I have not had baby yet. 
Just another picture by Scott this week of me still pregnant. 
Here is Landon at my mom's tonight as we have to be at the hospital early in the morning to be induced.  It is his last night being the youngest in our family. 
They are probably dreaming of meeting their newest sibling tomorrow. 
It has been so much fun watching Emma and Landon get so excited about the arrival of our new baby. I cannot wait to watch them in action with the baby. They are going to be the BEST big sister/brother to their baby!

Landon's Fall Party

Landon had his fall party at school today. Today is my first day of maternity leave. I refused to work on Halloween whether baby had arrived or not. :) My mom went to Landon's party since I could not be there. Here he is working on his pumpkin. 
He kept adding details. 
I love how he wants to write his full name. 
Then it was snack time where they made a Spookley pumpkin snack. 

Monday, October 28, 2019

Woody and the Disguised Turkey

Landon had a class project where he had to disguise his turkey into something else. He chose to disguise his turkey as Woody since he was going to be Woody for Halloween this year. Scott drew the outfit on the turkey and then Landon colored it. He designed the belt buckle all on his own.
He did an awesome job and his project looks just like his costume. 

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Trunk or Treat

After their taco lunch, they went to the pumpkin patch with Gran Gran and Grandma Mary. Then we met them at the two local churches who always come together for their Trunk or Treat. Emma was Audrey from Descendants and Landon was Woody from Toy Story. 
Today is my due date, but I felt great and wasn't going to miss being with my family.
They played games and then walked around to the different "trunks" to get their candy. 
Emma was checking to see what candy she had just gotten in her bag. 
They participated in a cake walk where Landon chose a bag of cookies when he won. 
We met up with Old Lady Heidi at the trunk or treat. 
While they were sliding down the big inflatable, Emma's wig found Scott's head. 
It was a fun time. We left there and all went to FBC Albany's trunk or treat for more games and candy. 

Tacos on the Front Porch

Today after church, we went and picked up Taco Bell for Emma and Landon. The weather was nice and they wanted to eat their picnic lunch on the front porch. Emma had to invite and bring several of her stuffed animal friends to the picnic. Thankful for the beautiful fall weather we are having today. 

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Carving Pumpkins

Today we spent time carving our pumpkin. They both took turns helping to clean out the pumpkin. 
Landon got to decide what kind of eyes and nose he wanted and Emma got to design the mouth. 
It was a lot of fun working together to carve our family pumpkin. I baked some of the pumpkin seeds and they turned out really good.

Saturday's Are For Football

Landon has loved football this season (as long as he isn't running with the ball) and has learned so much about flag football. Here he is at one of his practices this season. 
Today he played his last game of the season and then we went to the closing ceremony. 
He was excited to get his trophy. 

Friday, October 25, 2019

Landon's School Days

Landon loved making shapes out of marshmallows and toothpicks. 
He was looking at his monthly sponsored book. This month his class got Spookley the Square Pumpkin book which is perfect for the month of October. 
He enjoyed the PE Fall Fun Day that our coaches put on each year. The kiddos get to rotate to different stations that all have a fall theme to them. Here he was trying to get through the cave. 
Our librarian always reads a monster book to the kindergarten kiddos and then they get to decorate their sugar cookie to look like their own monster. 
October is always a fun and busy month at school!

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Little Engineer

We have said for a long time now that Landon is an engineer. He has always had a love for making things or helping his daddy build things. Today he made his own Power Ranger bracelets after seeing them on the cartoon. He grabbed the construction paper, scissors, and tape and created them without any help from anyone else.