Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wacky Tacky Day

When Scott or I are away from the house for work, the kiddos know they get to sleep in our bed. This work trip for me was no exception. Here they are sleeping so peacefully before Scott woke them up for school.
Today was wacky Wednesday at both schools, so they got to dress wacky tacky!! I think they both pulled it off great!

Monday, February 26, 2018

Landon's Dental Visit

Scott took Landon to the dentist for a checkup this morning. Everything looked great and his sweet hygienist said he should be a poster child for children visiting the dentist because he did so well!!!

Crazy Hat Day

I headed out of town for work this morning, but I was still able to take Emma to school. Today started Read Across America week and we kicked it off with crazy hat day. I added a few big bows to Emma's Braves hat to try to make it a little crazy!!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Emma & Batman

Sometimes princesses make appearances at our house and other times it is super heroes that visit. Tonight we had Batman visit us. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Just Another Day at Baseball Practice

Landon has been enjoying his baseball practices. They do not officially start the season with games until March. 

Monday, February 19, 2018

President's Day

Today, the kiddos and I are home since it is President's Day and it is a school holiday. We started the day off with a nice breakfast that consisted of eggs, sausage, and cinnamon rolls. Most of our school morning breakfasts include what we can grab while going out of the door. 
 It felt great outside with the sun shining so Georgia, Emma, and Landon took advantage and laid out by the playset soaking up the heat. 

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Chloe & Abearica

Emma & Landon are showing off their newest bears they got while we were recently in Atlanta. Emma named her Chloe and Landon named his Captain Abearica. They are pretty cute!!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Emma's Eye Checkup

The doctor that has been working with Emma for the past year and a half moved to Arizona. He referred us to Emory in Atlanta. We had our first visit with them today which was a six month followup to the last time she saw her previous doctor. She no longer needed to wear her glasses but still needed to patch an hour a day prior to this visit. We fell in love with Emory. They are a top notch clinic with an awesome staff! Her initial issue was her eye turning in due to muscle weakness. She had surgery over a year ago to correct the muscle. We have not had any more trouble with her eye turning. The doctor's today tried their hardest to get that eye to turn in and they could not "trick" it do so which is awesome news!!!! It means the surgery was very successful!
They checked her vision and it was 20/20!!!! This visit could not have had better results! The doctor released her back to a regular doctor back home for yearly visits. No more need for a specialist! She did have to have her eye dilated so she got to sport these fancy glasses for a little bit. She was being all serious while talking to my mom on the phone. 
 She got off the phone and gave us the Emma smile we know and love!
 We left the doctor's office and grabbed lunch at one of our favorite Atlanta restaurants, Chuy's! Then we went to Target and found some notebooks for the kids and some super cute spring stuff all in their dollar spot. The kiddos fell in love with the Target doggie and needed a picture with him. 
 Then we ran to American Girl store to look around before heading back home. Emma got to buy a sleeping bag for her Wellie Wisher dolls and a brush for them. Emma & Landon both loved the store. It really is a neat store. 
 It was a great day trip to Atlanta!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Baseball Practice

Landon was practicing running the bases at baseball practice tonight. He is loving baseball!!

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Vet Visit & Parachute Fun

I took this wild child to the vet today for her two year check up. We have had her for a year now and she is such a great dog! She is super sweet, very loyal, and lets the kids crawl all over her. I love that she is winking at the camera!
 She had a great well check! She weighs around 50 pounds and is all muscle!
 I took her back home and picked up Emma. We went to a birthday party for a coworkers little boy who tuned 5. I loved this picture of Emma in the middle of the parachute. 

Friday, February 9, 2018

American Girl Party

Emma went to her very first American Girl party tonight. Her friend, Karoline was also at the party and they had fun together. Emma loves her two American Girl dolls, Willa & Camille!!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Opening Day for Baseball Practice

Landon's very first baseball practice is today and his awesome daddy put his chocolate chip waffle in a mini baseball helmet this morning for his breakfast. 

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sleepover & Skating

She went home with Iris after the daddy daughter dance last night. They got up and went to church and then to Iris' grandmom's(Annie) house for lunch. After lunch, they went skating at the skating rink for a little bit. Scott went and picked her up from the skating rink when they were done skating. They enjoyed some pizza during one of their breaks from skating. She wanted her hair today the exact same way I had it last night for the daddy daughter dance. 
 Scott did not have her booster seat in his truck so she was being silly sitting in Landon's carseat. :)

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Daddy Daughter Dance

Emma always looks forward to the daddy daughter dance each year. A few weeks ago, her and I went and picked out her dress, shoes, and accessories. Here she is opening the door for her daddy. She was so excited and a little bashful!
 She had a blast and then after the dance, they went to eat Cracker Barrel with some friends. Then she went to one of the friend's house for a sleep over. 

Kid Days at Home Depot

The first Saturday of every month, Home Depot hosts a kids day where kids can build things free of charge. Today they had the chance to build mini bean bag toss boards. It was a lot of fun and the kids were able to do most of the building all on their own. 
Landon brought his own little hammer to use today.
 He also brought his own little tape measure and loved measuring what he was building. 

Friday, February 2, 2018

Matching Friends

 Emma was still in my room this morning when the bell rang for the students to start coming into the classroom. We instantly noticed that she matched one of my students who happens to be a good friend of hers.