Saturday, December 31, 2016

Like Daddy-Like Daughter

We had some nappers in our family the best couple days. Scott crashed in our office/movie room yesterday while taking a break from taking down all of our Christmas decorations/trees. 
 Emma crashed in the car today while we were on our way back to our house. 
I am sure Landon & I napped together at some point today. Naps are awesome and we love them!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Landon & Heidi

Landon is almost two years older than his cousin, Heidi. He loves her some kinda BIG!!!! I am sure they will grow up to be best buds!

Landon as CoPilot

Yesterday they were riding around in a jeep, and today they are riding around in a tractor. Landon is helping his sister drive the tractor around the yard!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Enjoying the Outdoors

We took a stroll around the block today. Emma drove the jeep and Landon was along for the ride. 
 When we got back home, Landon wanted to play outside in the playset area with his dump truck. He wasn't so sure about some of the creepy crawling little bugs he spotted and was holding on to my leg for dear life!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Emma & Iris Ride the Horsey

The kiddos and I met Kalynn at Chuck E. Cheese today. She had Archer and her niece and nephew, Iris and Louis. I was able to get a picture of Emma & Iris while they were riding the horse. Emma loves everything about Chuck E. Cheese. Landon on the other hand likes the games and pizza, but is terrified of Chuck E. Cheese the character. 

Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas with PawPaw

We went to my dad's today for Christmas. He always cooks rice, ham, sausage or bacon, rolls, and eggs. I have been bringing a hashbrown casserole for the past couple years. The meal is always yummy. After we eat and straighten up the kitchen some, we go into the living room to open some gifts. 
 Just like my mom, he also gives the kiddos a stocking to go through. Here is Heidi at 7 months going through her stocking. 
 Emma's stocking goodies are beside her and she patiently waits to begin the unwrapping of presents. 
 Landon was looking at what he got in his stocking. His favorite candy is Reese Cups because he loves chocolate and peanut butter!!
 He also got some super hero things from my dad. I think we are pretty safe with Captain America in the house. 
 Emma got a Troll towel since she is big into Troll's these days. 
 Heidi and Landon loved trying to help take the tissue paper out of the bag. 
After opening presents, we went outside to enjoy the nice weather while swinging and eating popsicles. 

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Our Christmas

 We went and looked at Christmas lights last night. We went to several homes and made a stop at Chehaw and rode through to see the lights. 
 Then we came home and Emma and Landon threw out reindeer food for Rudolph and his friends. 
 Thankfully, the kiddos still sleep in pretty good on Christmas morning. I always prep a Christmas morning casserole on Christmas Eve night and throw it in the oven before we begin opening presents. It is always so yummy to eat!!! Here is what Santa left for Emma and Landon.
The kids love running into the living room to see what Santa left for them.
Here is what Santa left Emma. She is big into Trolls this year. 
 Here is what Santa left for Landon. He is big into ninja turtles this year. 
Landon was checking out his new tricycle.
 After they go through their stockings, they begin opening their gifts. 
He is giving potato head a hug so I am pretty sure he loved seeing what was in that wrapping paper. 
He also added to his super hero collecting. 
 Here is Emma showing off a few of her gifts.
 I got some new workout clothes. Scott did a great job picking them out for me. 
 It has been a great day! We always start off our morning by reading the true meaning of Christmas out of God's word!!!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Icing the Cookies

We made the cookies yesterday and Emma decorated them today after Christmas with my mom. I helped with a few of the cookies. Emma was not stingy with the icing and sprinkles. :)

Christmas With NaeNae

Tradition with my mom is that my family and my brother's family get together on Christmas Eve morning to have Christmas with my mom. After we eat, we always go through the stockings first. 
 Even the adults get stockings from my mom. 
 One of Emma's gifts were books and rollerblades from my mom. 
Landon got some toy trucks from my mom. 
 My mom is showing off one of her gifts. Brandon & Krista gave this platter to our mom. 
 My mom with her two granddaughters!!
After opening all of the gifts, we went outside so Emma could practice skating in her new rollerblades. It looks like she loves them!!