Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thankful Thursday & I Want Dada

This has been a busy week. And of course, I forgot my camera for most of it. I have to get better at taking my camera if Scott is not with us. On Monday, Emma went to Lillie's soccer game with OJan. On Tuesday we went to eat at OJans house.
Last night, we ate at home and then took Emma for a walk in her stroller. She LOVES being outside. She was content the entire stroll. We came home and Scott rocked her. She was out within 5 minutes.
Today I picked her up from school and Granddad (my dad) came over to play with her. Then Scott, Emma, and I went to a local consignment sale a neighborhood was having. We bought Emma a couple of dresses and outfits. They all look brand new and one item actually still had the tags on it. Emma and I then went to my school to watch the third graders perform. It was the first performance of the year and they did awesome.
And since this is Thankful Thursday....I am so very thankful for bring able to work at such an awesome place. The people I work with are wonderful. I love my first grade team. My administrators are awesome. They are christians and go out of their way to make sure we have everything we need in order to make our job easier. I enjoy going to work daily....I didn't say I enjoy getting up at 5:00 a.m., but it is easier knowing I am going to a place I love.
We came home and played in Emma's room with her. She was so happy and just kept smiling and laughing. I was rocking her after we got done playing and she turned to her daddy and said "I want dada." Yes it was babbled but Scott and I both looked at each other and thought she said she exact same thing. She is so a daddy's girl!!
I am so excited for the weekend coming up. We have several things planned and just spending time as a family makes me a happy mama. One thing we have planned is going to see Sherwood's newest movie Courageous. I have seen it once before and it is amazing!! I pray it speaks to everyone who sees it.....especially the dads out there.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Our weekends are normally busy. I love to lay around the house, but I also love just getting out and doing things. This weekend was no exception. I picked Emma up from daycare on the way home from work and we were so excited to see Daddy. Then we all went out shopping and ate at Blackbeard's. Emma even had some cheese grits. She had grits for the first time last weekend at a wedding and LOVED them!! 

We had a lazy Saturday morning at the house. OJan came and got Emma to take her to see Uncle Brandon & Aunt Krista. We ate at a Mexican place for lunch. Then they came back home to pick me up and we ran all over town doing different things. We got home and Emma crashed!!
While Emma was sleeping, I made her some Butternut Squash. It turned out really good and she loved it!! This is her staring at her soon to be supper.
That night we had two of our good friends (John & Erica) over for dinner. I meant to take a picture and completely to do better at remembering to take pictures.

We woke up this morning and got ready for church. Here is Emma in her cute dress she wore this morning. She has so many dresses I try to make sure she wears them at least once. I wish she could wear them more often than she does.
Then we met Krista's family at Outback for lunch. They were visiting for the weekend. Scott, Emma, and I came home and took over an hour felt so good!! 

I kept the babies tonight at church so Emma went in there with me. She was so great!! 
She loved playing with all of the toys in the playroom.
Emma is sound asleep and Scott & I are watching a movie. I love spending my weekends together as a family....even if they are busy!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Gooooo Dawgs!!! ( I mean Happy 8 Months!)

Dear Emma,
I have caught up with your posts. You are currently 8 months old and fast approaching 9 months. Your personality is really showing. You know exactly what to do when daddy gets his camera out.
As of right now, you have no choice but to love the Gerogia Bulldogs.
September started the football season and your daddy is a little crazy when it comes to the Bulldogs.
He went to school in Athens and we can't wait to show you the great town it is when you get older. It really is a nice place.
I wish I could say this very cute outfit helped them win the games they have already played this season, but it hasn't. They are struggling as they have won one game so far. 
You absolutely love being outside. When you were just a few months old and even now, if you started to get fussy, we would take you outside and you would instantly calm down. I am glad my favorite season will begin tomorrow. I love everything about Fall. 
I love the picture above. You will be sitting and will get so excited, so you just throw your arms up in the air. You will have the biggest smile on your face.
We love you like Uga loves his ice!!
Mommy & Daddy

Happy 7 Months & Thankful Thursday

Dear Emma,
This post is going to be two in one. First off, there are quite a few pictures on here from your seventh month picture shoot. I just couldn't decide which ones I liked the best. Secondly, I am including a "Thankful Thursday" post. I want to start doing one every Thursday. Today I am thankful for many things, but I am very thankful for your daddy.
 Words can't even begin to describe the love I have for him.
I hope you grow up knowing how much we love each other.
 I hope you hear us constantly tell each other how much we are thankful for each other.
I am thankful he helps me keep the house clean.
I am very thankful that he would get up in the middle of the night or bright and early in the mornings when you were just a few months old to change your diaper while I fixed a bottle.
He would then feed you so I could get a few more minutes of sleep before getting ready to head to work.
I am thankful that he is a loving husband and daddy.
 He loves to sing to you and dance with you. It just melts my heart when I hear him over the monitor talking and singing to you. You love music too. You will instantly start dancing (bouning while sitting down) when you hear music.
And to be honest, you are probably just as thankful it is him singing and NOT me!! But I apologize in advance, but I do sing to you. I know my voice is not great, but it is the thought that counts right?? :)
I believe you are a daddy's girl. You get so excited anytime you see either one of us, but it is so cute to watch you interact with him.
But, above all that I am thankful for him, I am most thankful that he loves the Lord and strives to live his life accordingly.
We started praying for you even before we got pregnant. Then we prayed nightly as you were being made. God has made you in his perfect way and I pray that you grow up knowing how much Jesus loves you. I pray that your daddy and I will be the parents God has called us to be. We have so much love for you sweet girl, but that love does not even compare to the love Jesus has for you. I can't wait to tell you all about him as you grow up!!
We love you to pieces,
Mommy & Daddy

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Happy 6 Months!!

Dear Emma,
     It is crazy to think you are already 6 months old. It feels like I just had you.
 Time is going by so fast these days. 

You had a six month well check at the doctor. You had to get 4 shots and your finger pricked. You did so good during all of it. You weighed 15.8 pounds and were 26 3/4 inches long.

 Your next well check up will not be until you turn 9 months old. 

You started sitting on your own as soon as your turned 6 months.

 You love to smile and laugh. If someone looks at you too long, you get bashful and will turn your head. It is so cute!! 
We love you pretty girl,
Mommy & Daddy

Happy 5 Months!!

Dear Emma,
June was a very busy month for you. You got to stay with your OJan (or whatever you will call her :)) for 5 nights while mommy and daddy went to Boston with some good friends. We had fun, but were ready to be home to you.

  Then two weeks later, mommy, daddy, you, OJan, and Lillie all went to Daytona for 7 nights. You loved everything about the beach: the waves, the pool, the sand, and just being outside. That made us so happy as we love to go to the beach. You even experienced your first trip to Disney World.

We went to Magic Kingdom one day. You did so great the whole day.

  Lille just adores you and you loved watching her act silly. 

You found your feet this past month and loved to put them in your mouth. You also figured out how to roll from your tummy to your back. You started eating solids this month and loved eating every food we fed you. You were on a pear kick while we were at the beach.
First time eating baby food.
We love you so much,
Mommy & Daddy

Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy 4 Months!!

Dear Emma, 
You had a four month check-up on 5.16.11. The doctor said everything looked good. You had to get 4 shots at this visit. You weighed 12.12 pounds and were 25 1/4 inches long. 

You were rolling from your back to tummy, but would get frustrated when you couldn't roll back over to your back. 

We started you on cereal once you turned four months, but you didn't care for it.

You love your hands!! You will stare at them forever 
and love to put them in your mouth.

We love you baby girl,  
Mommy & Daddy