Thursday, August 29, 2019

Early Morning Snuggles and Drawings

It is not unusual for one or both kiddos to find their way into our bed during the night. This morning when I got up they were both in our bed. It must have happened when Scott left to go to the gym because they both can't fit at the same time with Scott and I in the bed. They were so sweet all cuddled up next to each other. They love each other so much!
We have been getting to my classroom around 7:35 each morning. Emma does not have to catch the bus that takes her to her school until at least 7:45, so she enjoys drawing on the board. Landon normally joins in with her. They are both awesome little artists. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Emma's Art Project

Emma drew this in art and then colored it at home. Her artistic abilities are amazing! I believe this is a little competition with the students at Emma's school and the winner will have their drawing turned into their yearbook cover. She went back and colored the sky with a light blue color pencil and everything under the sun with an orange color pencil. We forgot to get a picture of the final picture before she turned it into her art teacher.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Landon's "All About Me" Project

Landon had his first project for kindergarten. He had to create his own person that described him. He loves playing baseball and has a new found love for flag football. He is playing his first season of flag football right now and has his first game coming up real soon. He also loves all things super heroes. With his picture as the face on his project, there was no denying who it belonged to. :)

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Back to School Bash

Emma and Landon stayed with NaeNae last night and they made a visit to Debby and Ted's for a swim. 
Landon was checking out a bug he found. 
Emma's school had a back to school bash today with water slides, snow cones, food trucks, and other activities for the kids and their families. Since they stayed with NaeNae last night, she took them to the bash this morning. They enjoyed the big water slides. 
Then cooled off with their own flavored snow cones. 
After that, they were done with the heat and gnats! So they left and went back to Debby and Ted's for more swimming. Emma finished her snow cone by their pool. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Mexican Date Night

This past Friday, Emma and I enjoyed San Joe's together while the guys did something together. She loves wings so she decided to try their wings. She was not disappointed. 
So tonight before church, the kiddos and I decided to go back to San Joe's. Landon was ready to try their wings and Emma was ready for some more of their wings. 
I have become a fan of their chicken soup. 
It was a great midweek meal with Emma and Landon. 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Loving the Baby

Emma and Landon are loving the baby so much! They love to come and give my belly lots of hugs and kisses. This morning I turned 30 weeks pregnant and wanted to get a few pictures of the kiddos and I before we headed to church. I have not been good about getting many pictures this pregnancy. Time is going by so fast this time. 
They are going to make the best big sister and brother and will love this baby BIG! I can't wait to see them love, help, and interact with their little baby sibling.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Landon is Loving Kindergarten

He loves being at my school this year. He is right next door to my classroom, so I see him all throughout the day. Our classes go to lunch right behind each other, PE together some days, and recess together every day. He got to play with these connecting cubes this morning and decided to make an alligator. He has such a creative mind. 
His teacher tested him on his letters today and he brought me this awesome note afterwards. 

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Pop of Color for Baby

The clothes in the nursery closet are either gray, white, or black. We have bought all of the newborn clothes we are going to buy until baby arrives and then we will go buy gender specific clothing. But I came across this cute pumpkin shirt and knew I had to have it. It was the first pop of color for baby. I am due on October 27th and Emma nor Landon came early, so I am really hoping baby can wear this cute shirt for at least one day. :)

Friday, August 9, 2019

Olivia Leaves for College

We met Joyce Ann, Anthony, and Olivia for dinner tonight at Newk's. Olivia leaves next week to head off to Lee University to major in nursing. She was our flower girl in our wedding. We all love this sweet family so much! I use to babysit Olivia and Benjamin years ago. Joyce Ann and Anthony spoil us and the kids as if we are their own. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school and as tradition has it, Scott takes them to school. Here they are outside the house before heading to their schools. 
Landon got to go with Emma to her school. She is no longer at my school and is right around the corner at the elementary school. Here she is with her homeroom teacher. 
Then it was time to drop Landon off at his class. He is no longer at the pre-k center and is now at my school. This year he will be in the classroom right next to mine. :) Here he is with his teacher.
Then Scott dropped in to my room and insisted on taking my picture. I am starting my 13th year of teaching. I am 28 weeks pregnant in this picture. 

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Family Reunion in North Carolina

The kids went with NaeNae this weekend to a family reunion for Buddy's side of the family. Landon wanted to climb this tree for a picture during the family reunion yesterday. They had fun meeting new family members this weekend.