Saturday, October 29, 2011

Going to Susie and Papi's House

We went to stay with Scott's family on Friday night. He was going to help his brother with a senior assignment he has to complete. Mr. Joe (Papi) cooked steak for us on Friday night. We also had baked potato and salad and it was so good!! Then the family watched a movie.....I was a party pooper and went to bed early with Emma.
Emma decided she wanted to talk to mommy and daddy around 3:00 a.m. this morning. She never wakes up during the night so that was different. She then woke up at 7:00 to eat and did not go back to sleep. So around 10:00 a.m. she was not a happy girl. Susan (Susie) took her outside and she calmed down and then she finally gave in and went to sleep while Susan was holding her.

Scott and his sister Ashleigh wore the same shirt today. Ashleigh put hers on not knowing it was the same shirt Scott brought to wear so we had to take a picture of them in it.
Joe, Peyton, and Scott went to film some more of the video and spend time together, so Susan, Ashleigh, Grandma Mary,  Emma, and I had a girls day. We went to their shop so I could see all the new stuff they had gotten in. Susan gave me a snowman ornament and Emma a "First Christmas" ornament that we will hang on our tree this year. We then went to eat lunch at Three Crazy Bakers.
It was so good!! I had never eaten there. I got a tomato, bacon, spinach, and cheese quiche and some potato soup. As soon as it cam out Emma wanted some so she helped me eat mine and ate some of Susan's soup too.
We went back to their house to chill out for a little bit. Emma was pretty content in Papi's lap. 
I was trying to get a picture of Grandma Mary and Emma. Peyton was walking by so I had him get into the picture with them. This is how it turned out and then my camera died so I am keeping it anyways. Three different people doing three different things!!! This picture describes The Childs family so well!! :)
 We all then went to finish filming Peyton's video before heading home. It was a great little trip away from Albany.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Just A Swingin'

Today is Thankful Thursday and I am thankful for my brother, Brandon. He built this swing holder for Emma. To say she loves this swing and swinging in it would be a big understatement.
We have been wanting to get her a swing for awhile. We didn't have anywhere in backyard to attach it and thought we would have to attach it on the front porch. I wouldn't dare leave it there while we weren't using it. I am OCD about keeping my house neat and I would not want that bright pink swing looking like a sore thumb on the front of my house. And we are hardly ever in the front. I love how she is holding on the ropes like she is on a fair ride or something.
We took her to a birthday party a few Saturday's ago and it was the first time she had been in a swing like this and she LOVED it. Scott and I knew then we would have to buy her one. I believe my brother was the one who came up with the idea to build the holder. I am so glad he did!! She looks scared in the picture below, but I promise the only time she cries on this swing is if we stop it. I love the way her hair is flying up.
This is the look we get most of the time while she is swinging. She loves being outside and now swinging so put the two together and she is the happiest girl.
We have been picking her up from daycare the past few days and going straight out to swing her. It is a nice break from being inside at daycare.
She is such an easy going baby. I LOVE her little tooth you can see. She has another one coming in right next to it.
Thanks Uncle Brandon for making my swing holder. I love it so so much!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I Do Not Love This Pink....

I love just about everything pink! I do not like pink eye though. I took Emma to see Dr. W today and she does in fact have pink eye. He gave us some drops to put in her eye. I just knew she was going to freak when we tried to put them in her eye, but she has gotten to where she will deal with it the best she can. She better get use to it.....we have to do it for 9 more days!! She has to be out of daycare tomorrow to make sure she is no longer contagious.
We went to mom's today to eat some chili. Scott and Emma went to rest in the living room. Scott was watching the Falcons play, and Emma was just as into the TV as he was. She was all laid back. Scott may not have a son yet, but he does have a daughter who loves to watch baseball and football!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Super Saturday!!

Today has been such a great day. Scott went to take pictures of soccer this morning. Emma and I slept in until 10 o'clock this morning. My dad then came over to visit with us for a little while. Mom and Jeff came to check on the swing set that Uncle Brandon built. It should be ready this week once the swing comes in.
Then Scott, Emma, and I went to Uncle Brandon and Aunt Krista's house for the afternoon. Emma loved watching Aunt Krista make a pumpkin pie, which I can't wait to eat tomorrow.
Then Emma had fun riding on the four wheeler with Scott in their backyard.
We came home and crashed for a 2 hour nap. It felt so good. I woke up shocked that it had been 2 hours since we lied down. Emma's eye was very crusty this morning and looks to be getting pink, so I am taking her to the doctor in the morning to see if she has pink eye. I gave her a menthol bath to help clear out some stuffiness she has going on.
We are cooking supper and going to watch a movie later on. It has been such a super Saturday!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Love Doesn't Even Compare

Today is Thankful Thursday and I am thankful for several things....not just today, but they have been on my mind lately. I am so thankful God has trusted me to be a mommy to Emma. I just hope as I parent, discipline, and love on Emma, that I glorify God in all of it. My love for Emma is unreal. I can't even begin to express the amount of love I have for her. 

As I have been thinking about my love for Emma, I can't help but think of the love God has for me. My love for Emma does not even compare to God's love for me or for Emma. He loves us so much that he sent his only son to die for our sins. I mess up daily and he still loves me. God shows so much grace and mercy towards us. I will be forever thankful for his love. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tub Evacuation

This was our fourth tub evacuation today. I am writing about this because it will be funny to tell Emma when she gets older. It has only happened while I was bathing her. I think Scott tells her to do it while I am the one giving the bath.
I was just about to bathe her today and saw that look on her face and knew it was coming. She pooped in the tub. I guess it is a combination of two things: one being it was the right time for her....wrong time for me giving her a bath and two that the warm water helped. So I quickly get her out before she tries to play with it and run her into the kitchen to finish the bath in the sink.
She loves bath time in the sink. We just let the water run and she loves to play in it. She will even put her mouth into the water and try to drink some. So while it is not a fun experience for me having to run her into the kitchen to take a bath, it is something she loves to do and that is all that matters in that moment!! Until I remember I have to go back and clean out the tub. :(

Friday, October 14, 2011

Our Little Pumpkin

 We took Emma to Mark's Melon Patch this afternoon.
 She enjoyed getting to know the pumpkins. It was her first time seeing one. She would roll the one below over every time I put it in front of her. Then she started talking to the pumpkin. I wished I would have video taped it.
 The gnats were something serious.....I mean we ARE in the middle of October. Shouldn't they be gone by now.
 Emma LOVED eating peach ice cream for the first time today.


 We had a great time experiencing the pumpkin patch with Emma for the first time.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thankful Thursday & Magazines

Today is "Thankful Thursday," but I am thankful for my parents EVERYDAY!! They are always there if I need them. They would drop everything in a minute to come help me if I ever called one of them for any reason. Words don't even begin to express my thankfulness for them.

My dad came over to play with Emma today after I got off work. My mom came over shortly before Emma went to bed. She was in a silly mood while my mom was here and just kept laughing.

We have a coffee table in front of our couch that has magazines on the bottom shelf. She has recently found them while sitting on the floor. She loves to get them and tear the pages out and just have fun with them. I finally got some pictures of her playing and "reading" the parenting magazines tonight. Maybe she will learn a thing or two about life with a baby. :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy 9 Months!!

Emma and I went to her 9 month well check today. She weighs 18 pounds putting her in the 35th percentile for girls her age. She is 28 1/2 inches long putting her in the 85th percentile for girls her age. She is a long and lean girl!! Dr. W said everything looked good. She got her finger pricked and got part one of the flu shot and only cried for a quick second. She will go back in a month to get part two of the flu shot and will not have another well check until her 12 month one. Still can't believe she is so close to being a year old already!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fall Break

I was on Fall Break last Thursday and Friday, so we decided to go to the beach one more time this year. Scott, Emma, and I drove down Thursday morning. We ate Panera Bread once we got to Panama City. Then we went and checked into our condo. We took Emma to the beach, but she was a little freaked out by the sand and the freezing cold ocean so we took her to the pool where she had a blast. She is a water baby. The girl LOVES water!!!
Then we got ready and went to Pier Park where we met my mom. She drove down after work on Thursday. We ate at The Back Porch. Then we went to Target to get some things for the weekend.
Friday we went to the state park and met up with a friend(Jill). Scott took Emma into the ocean and she loved it.  Emma and I went with Scott to take some pictures. Emma napped in the was nice to get out of the sun and sand for a little while.
Then that night we went to eat at Boondocks which is amazing. It brought back memories of my youth days where we would eat there on our beach trips. Then we went back to Pier Park to walk around. Brandon and Krista arrived Friday night to enjoy the rest of the weekend with us.
On Saturday, Scott's family (Peyton, Susan, Joe, and Gma Mary) came to meet us at the beach for the day. We went down to the beach for a couple of hours. Peyton and Joe got into the ocean which was freezing!! Then we all went and ate at Sharky's for lunch. After lunch we went and got into the pool. Emma and I stayed for a little while, but she was getting sleepy so we went inside and she crashed for a long nap. Scott's family then went back home. It was nice having them spend the day with us.
We got ready and Scott went to take some pics of Emma on the beach. We tried the night before but did not have as much luck. I even got a few with my sweet girl. Then we all went and ate at Margaritaville and walk around Pier Park some more.
    Today we packed up and went back to Target and Pier Park(we LOVE those places!!) Scott and I ate Five Guys and the rest ate at Buffalo Wild Wings. We shopped a little and got chocolate :) before heading back home.

It was so nice getting to spend the weekend with family.
A big thanks to my dad for keeping Cali all weekend. I know they both enjoyed each other's company. On a sad mom's cat Precious (well she bought him for Brandon and I, but he lived with her) passed away Friday. Brandon went to check on him Friday and he had passed away. He was 14 years old and we got him as a kitten from the Humane Society. He was such a sweet cat!! I need to add a picture once I find one of Precious.