Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Arriving in NYC and Our First Day There

We got up super early Thursday to catch our 6:00 a.m. flight to Atlanta. We chose to get the earliest flight, so that we did not waste a day from seeing NYC. Here we are about to get on our first flight.
Our sweet girl ready to say "hello" to NYC! My mom also went with us on this trip. We were going to a wedding on Saturday (May 11th) and decided to go early and stay longer to make a vacation out of our trip. I must brag on Emma because she did fantastic on both flights to get to New York. We took our portable DVD player and she watched a movie. The  flights did not bother her or her ears at all!!
Poor girly fell asleep as we were going from Atlanta to NYC.
We stayed on 42nd Street in the heart of Time Square & Broadway. It was so awesome to be so close to many things we wanted to see and visit.
Here is our awesome hotel sign that changed multiple colors throughout the day. My favorite was the bright pink sign!!
We were in the Toys R Us Store riding the carousel. Sorry it is blurry. All of these pictures are off of my phone.
What is a NYC trip without a picture of the "Naked Cowboy" and it did not take us long to spot him.
My mom got Scott and I tickets to see The Lion King. I have always wanted to see TLK, but did not think I would actually see it on Broadway. I figured I would see it at The Fox in Atlanta. 
 It was an amazing show!!! I would recommend it to anyone that is in NYC. 
 Our first day there was awesome!