Saturday, November 2, 2013

Our Sweet Bumble Bee

We had a cute little bumble bee for Halloween this year! I was lucky enough to borrow it from a co-worker, who even had the cutest shoes to go with the outfit. And it all fit Emma so well!! Here she was trying it on for the first time at home.
Then on Wednesday, we went to a Trunk-or-Treat a local church was hosting. It was very neat the way they put it all together. Emma played some games and then went to three or four rows of cars where they passed out candy from their trunks. She loved getting candy. She would often check and recheck her bag to make sure the candy was in there. :)
Then on Thursday, we went to the church where I grew up in and went to their Fall Festival. She played games and then we ate hotdogs before getting a big bag of candy.