Thursday, December 26, 2013

Visiting Kalynn

We have a sweet long time friend in the hospital. She is 26 weeks pregnant and has been there for a week or so and not sure when she will be released to go home. Scott and I went to visit with her after Christmas with my dad. They would not allow Emma up to visit since she was not their child and they are on high alert with cold and flu season. Emma fell asleep before we ever got to the hospital because she had not napped today. So Scott stayed down in the lobby with her while I went to visit. Then I took over and he went to visit with Kalynn while I held sleeping Emma. She woke up while I was holding her and this was taken very shortly after she woke up. She still loves to suck on her two middle fingers! Cuteness!! Then we visited the Starbucks in the lobby before leaving to go home! :)