Monday, December 22, 2014

Justin Timberlake Concert

We left Saturday to go see Justin Timberlake in concert. Mom and Scott got me tickets for my 30th birthday. We went and ate at Chuy's first. They have the best food! Then we did a little shopping before checking into the hotel room. The mall was packed with it being the Saturday before Christmas. 
 I fed Landon and got him situated before leaving mom, Emma, and him at the hotel. We got to the concert and they played music for the first 45 minutes since he did not have anyone opening for him. He put on a 2 1/2 hour concert that was amazing! I have always loved him and have wanted to see him in concert for awhile now. I can cross it off of my bucket list. His lights were unreal! His whole stage moved to the back of the arena where he then sand 4 or so songs in the back area. I am so glad I can say I have seen him in concert. And for the record- Scott knew more of the words to his songs than I did!! ;)
We got up yesterday and did a little more shopping at a different mall that was not as crowded before heading back home!