Sunday, March 29, 2015

Palm Sunday & Zoo

My mom had some friends and their girls staying with her this weekend, so Emma stayed too. This morning she went to church with my mom. Emma wanted to make sure her baby was safe on the way to church and asked my mom to buckle her up too. :)
 With it being Palm Sunday, Emma and the other kids got to parade around the church with palm branches. Then they got to go outside to visit the donkey. Emma came home talking about Jesus riding on a donkey. She knows all about the real meaning of Easter and that Jesus died on the cross. I can't wait for her to understand what it really means that He died for our sins long before we were even born!! He loves us that much!
 After lunch we wanted to get out of the house and decided to take Emma and Landon to the zoo. We saw a few animals before heading to the playground for a little while. Emma wanted to take her donkey craft she made in church to the zoo too. I thought it was so sweet and cute!