Monday, October 31, 2016


So this year for Halloween, we had Superman and Strawberry Shortcake. 
 Landon was ready to fly around the neighborhood to gather his candy!!
Strawberry Shortcake was showing off her sassy side!!
 We started off our night of trick or treating. We got to about the second house and Strawberry Shortcake started complaining that her outfit was itchy. NaeNae asked the homeowners of where we were trick or treating at the time if she could borrow their scissors. She cut out the inner lace that was itching but it still was not enough for Miss Sassypants Strawberry Shortcake. She was not happy so we quickly went back home and SS with pink hair became Ariel and was happy as could be! No more fussing and we were officially off to finish out the night trick or treating!!