Saturday, November 5, 2016

Fall Social

We had our Sunday School fall social today. It was at the house of a fellow couple in our class. Another couple brought their horses for us to ride around!
Landon liked sitting on the tractor used to pull the hayride. 
 Landon came with me to the house for a minute and found a bulldog to sit on and wanted his pic taken. :)
 Landon who is not much older than most babies/toddlers is fascinated with them and loved to be around them! Here he is playing and talking to Lawson. 
 Emma & Landon were being so sweet sitting in their chairs right beside each other. Emma is such a great big sister and Landon loves her so much!
 Our good friend, Sian, who loves Landon so much!!!
 We finally convinced Landon to ride the horse with his daddy!
 Emma & I rode the hayride together! It was such a nice day and the weather was beautiful!!