Tuesday, August 7, 2018

First Day of School 2018

Today, we officially have a second grader and a pre-schooler. Emma was so excited to start her second grade year. I hope she always remembers what her shirt says- kindness over everything!!
 Landon was too excited to start "big boy" school as he has been calling pre-school. 
I am pretty sure his book bag with two towels and his lunchbox attached weighed more than he did this morning.  
 As a teacher, I have to be at school extra early on the first day of school each year. It is tradition that Scott takes the kiddos on their first day. 
 Here is Landon with his teacher, Mrs. Faircloth- the same teacher Emma had when she was in pre-school three years ago. 
 Here is Emma with her second grade teacher, Mrs. Paul. Emma had Mrs. Paul's sister, Mrs. Moon last year in first grade. 
 Here are our two sweet ones walking together after school was over. Emma left her room and picked up Landon where the pre-schoolers sit after arriving to my school from the pre-k center. Then they walked down to my room. Emma is being such a sweet, big sister and Landon is following her every move back to my room. 
 It was a great first day for everyone!!