Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Not Quite True

We recently got Emma some cute birdy pajamas. They also came with another matching shirt and pants. My brother was picking at us because she kept getting her legs caught in the grey/white pajamas and he said she looked like she just left jail since they were striped. Sweet brother, I know! :)
The shirt says, "Mommy's early bird." It is not true for Emma. If anything, she is our night owl. She normally sleeps until Scott wakes her up between 7:45-8:00. She is always still asleep when I leave for work. On the weekends, it is not uncommon for her to wake up around 8:00, drink some milk, and then go back to sleep with us until 9:30-10:00.
These are some pictures I took of her playing in her room tonight after bath time. She just recently stated giving us high 5's. It is so cute!!