Friday, March 2, 2012

Sunglasses & Big Girl Meal

So, it was 80 plus degrees today!! I got home from work and we put Emma in one of her new consignment sale outfits. I love consignment sales!! You get great clothes at even greater prices. This outfit was so cute. It is one of those little jumpers with spaghetti straps....CUTE! I won't be saying spaghetti straps are cute on her when she gets a little older and interested in boys, but for now they are cute. Scott found a pair of sunglasses she has and we put them on her. She was too little last year to want to wear them but she liked wearing these today. We can't wait for summer/beach time!!
We went to mall to pick up birthday gifts for Scott's dad and brother and decided to eat at Chick-fil-A before I went to help prepare for our Sunday School yard sale. We got Emma her first kids meal there and she LOVED it. She ate all of her grilled chicken, cinnamon applesauce, and had apple juice to drink. She is growing up so fast!!
Our Sunday School class has FIVE couples who are adopting and we are having a yard sale in the morning to split the proceeds between the families. I am so excited for these families!!!