Friday, January 25, 2013

Girls Weekend & Fun With Daddy

I am home sick from work today. I started feeling bad Wednesday so I went to the doctor yesterday and have some virus, but my medicine is helping big time! I just needed another day to rest and gain my strength back. I am catching up on my blog. I went out of town for a Bachelorette trip last weekend with two of my very good friends and a friend of Brittany's. I tried a Mohito for the first time and was not impressed. I love mint, but WOW!! This was like mint overload. 
Here we are waiting for dinner at a Tapas Bar on Saturday night. It was good, but not sure if any of us would ever go back to that type of restaurant. I meant to take more pictures, but was enjoying my time and forgot. We did get a massage Saturday morning, so that was such a nice treat!
Scott got Emma Saturday and they had a fun night together. She wanted to see how her dolls feel in her stroller, so she climbed in hers. I am sure she is pushing the weight limit. :)
She did look cute though!
Saturday night, she decided to take her temperature with her play play thermometer.
She learned this method from school because this is how her teachers check their temperatures.
Sunday they got ready to meet mom and Brandon for lunch. We were heading back from Savannah. 
I told Scott she looked older than she really is in these pictures. I think it was because her hair was parted differently than normal. 
She was having fun at lunch with them. 
She normally does not like it when we make her stop playing to take a bath, but once she gets in she has fun playing. 
She decided it would be fun to play with Scott's hair. 

She was being silly last night once Scott got home from work. She loved seeing herself in his phone camera. :)

I can't let this post be full of pictures of Scott and Emma without having at least one of me and her. It is not great of me because I was still not feeling well, but Emma wanted to sit in my lap once my mom brought her home from daycare and watch Mickey Mouse. I was not about to say no!!
She benefitted from me having a sore throat. I requested a milkshake from Scott on his way home from work. He picked one up for Emma too. Such a sweet daddy!!
I cut myself out because I was sleeping too hard and did not want to scare anyone. LOL! Emma has been waking up in the middle of the night calling out for us. She will most of the time go back to sleep, but she wanted us this morning so she got in our bed. I mean- is she just precious! Look how she is holding the side of her face. I wish I could look that cute sleeping! :)