Friday, June 7, 2013


We went my childhood church to All American Fun Park today. They took the kids that had perfect attendance during VBS for a day of fun. I use to go to this place all the time as a kid, but it was called "Putt-Putt" then. She enjoyed riding the train! The first thing she did there was to ride the Carousel (of course!!!!).
Then we rode the Bumper Boats, but she was ready to get off before it was over. I was ready to get out early too. We ended up with some wild boys who wanted to squirt everyone! Then we went and had nachos for a snack. Then we finished our day of playing mini golf. She was so cute doing it! I will let the pictures speak for themselves, but I told Scott is looked like she was chopping wood while golfing. ;)

She had to sit on the big turtle before leaving.
We had so much fun!! Then we came home and took a nice nap!!! :)