Friday, February 28, 2014

We Are Having A BOY!!!!

But we had our gender reveal shower this past Saturday.  We went to our big ultrasound on Thursday and the Sonographer put the gender on a slip of paper in this envelope. 
Then we dropped it off with Brittany who was throwing the gender reveal shower. We found out by shooting silly string at each other that we are adding a sweet baby boy to our family! Landon will join our family sometime in July and we could not be more excited. After the shower, we went straight to the mall to get a few boy clothes. :) Emma was being silly trying on different hats.
Here are some of the clothes we got that night. I love Old Navy clothes. They fit Emma so well and I am hoping the same for Landon.
 Our gender reveal was also a diapers and wipes shower. We are good to go on both for awhile!! We are so blessed and thankful with all of the diapers and wipes from our friends and family.
 I thought I was going to have to put Scott on a clothing budget with him getting a son, but I think I might need to go on one. Ha! I went a little crazy the other day on Zulily, but they were too cute and at a great deal not to pass up!!

 I can't wait to dress him in these cute outfits in just a couple of months!!!!