Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Snowy Day

It has snowed maybe a handful of times in my whole life where we live, so when it does even the tiniest bit, it is so exciting!!!! There was talk of it possibly snowing today, so they cancelled school. We woke up today to white snow on the ground and more than I was thinking would fall. The kids had a blast!!! Here are some snapshots of their fun in the snow. 
Landon came inside to warm up and to play with Georgia!!
Emma stayed out playing in the snow for quite a while longer than Landon, so she wanted to come warm up by the fire!
Georgia and I relaxing on our bed. 
Landon wanted to put on his pajamas and Georgia was done with her sweater, and they were both ready to relax in the bed!
It has been such a fun snow day!!!!