Saturday, January 6, 2018

Target Run & Headbanz

Emma got some money and Target gift card from her party, so we made a quick trip there tonight. We ran into Heidi, Brandon, and Krista while there. She wanted to hitch a ride on our buggy for a little while. 
Emma picked Headbanz to buy with some of her money. We came home and played it after bath time. It was so much fun! Landon did not quite understand that he was not suppose to tell what was on our cards. It took him a few times to realize he had to keep that a secret. It was cute. After the second time, I said "I am going to put a new card on my head but you can't tell me what it is." He looked at it and said, "I 'm not gonna tell you. I am just looking at your sheep." Ahhhhhh! Hahahahaha!!