Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas with Scott's Families

Scott's mom and Larry came over on Christmas Eve afternoon. They got Emma this Enchantimal play set so she can use it with all of her recent enchantimal dolls. They got Landon some matchbox cars but he wasn't into getting his picture taken. 
 Then we did Christmas with the Childs side of the family on today. Scott's dad, Susan, Grandma Mary, Ashleigh, and Clay all came over for dinner. We ate southern syle food and then opened gifts. Landon was excited about his sleeping bag. Emma already has one and he has been wanting one for awhile now. Emma got some more enchantimal dolls. 
 Here is sweet Grandma Mary modeling her hat we got her. She visits Hardee's daily just about so we always buy her a gift card for Christmas. 
 After opening our gifts, we played the gift wrapping game where you partner up and each partner can only use one hand to help wrap and label the gift. Landon and I won the game! 
 Ashleigh and Clay came in second place. 
 And Emma and Grandma Mary came in last. Emma was not too thrilled about that. Haha! It was quite funny to watch Emma's facial expressions during this game. Grandma Mary wanted it all to be perfect and neat and Emma just wanted it to be over! 
 It was a fun game and a lot of laughs were shared!