Monday, September 3, 2012

Goooooo Braves!!!!

Here is sweet girl on the way to pick up Nae Nae (my mom) before heading out of town to Atlanta. We were going to the Braves game and to meet up with my brother/his wife and my mom's two sisters and mom. It took us longer than normal to get to Atlanta due to traffic, but Emma did great. There were like 4-5 events in Atlanta all this weekend which later explained the heavy traffic.
 We went to eat at Macaroni Grill on Friday night. Emma loves croutons!!!!
They were writing on the tablecloth.
Here we are Saturday before heading to the game.
Again with Aunt Joanie.
She entertained herself the twenty miles from the hotel to the game by playing with my mom's makeup.
Being silly and looking at herself in the mirror. 
We had awesome seats. We have been several times and had never sat close to third base. 
We were hot and sweaty!!!
She thought she was a big girl sitting in a seat all by herself.
She was getting ready for the tommahawk. My mom bought her a sponge filling tommahawk that Scott and I can't stand the feel of it!!!!
We went to Cheesecake Factory after the game. Emma and I got Fresh Banana Cream Cheesecake.
She did so well. It was late and she was hot and tired. 
Scott got Oreo Cheesecake. They have changed this cheesecake since the last time we have been there. 
We had a great trip to Atlanta. The Braves lost, but it was still fun to get away!