Saturday, November 12, 2011

Christmas Shopping & Visiting Family

We had a pretty lazy morning today. Took our time getting ready. Then we went to Verizon to order me an I-phone 4s. We then went to mall and got Emma something for Christmas. I went ahead and got some of Scott's presents even though he was with us. He was afraid they wouldn't have any left when I went back to get them. He knows what I bought him...just doesn't know exactly what it is. The man is funny...he hates surprises!!

Then we came back home to relax for a little bit. Later this afternoon we went to visit with Scott's grandparents. We watched part of the Georgia game over there. Then we went to eat supper with his mom and Larry. She fixed BBQ and Cheesecake....two of Scott's favorites from her. They were both great. Emma loved eating everything on my plate! We finished watching the GA game over there.

We are home relaxing and sweet little girl is sleeping good. It has been a good day!