Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Our Little Bug

Our church, Sherwood, hosts Candy Fest on October 31st every year. They have pony or horse rides, petting zoo, jumpy houses, different booths for all ages, rock walls, food, and much more. And it is all free!! Scott was there filming all the activities, so OJan, Sandra, Krista, and I took Emma. She was dressed up as a lady bug.
She rode one of the ponies. The one behind her kept making loud breathing noises so she kept looking back at it. 

Scott found us while she was riding the pony. He was able to take a few pics of Emma and get some video of her as well.
   Then we rode a hayride that took us to the other side of the park. 
Then her and I played two games. She won some candy, but since she can't eat it.....mommy and friends got to enjoy it! :) Thanks Emma!!!

A group shot of Krista, Sandra, Emma, and I. We also ran into some good friends of ours, Anthony and Joyce Ann.

Scott found us again and took Emma to the little petting zoo they had. 

We left and went to grab something to eat. We came home and she crashed. Being a ladybug is hard work!!