Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011....Such a Great Year

We ended 2011 by going over to a friends house. She has had a group of us over for the past several years. We took chocolate chip cookies to add to the mix of food that would be there. We talked and played games. Emma was such a sweet girl. She never even fussed. She loved playing with the game cards. Scott, Emma, and I left around 11:30 to get her to sleep. Then Scott and I were able to watch the ball drop together.
This has been such a great year. We have been blessed in so many ways. The year started with us having a beautiful baby girl who has been such a blessing to us. Scott and I were able to go to Boston for a week with some good friends of ours. Emma stayed with my mom during that time. Then we experienced a week at the beach as a family. In July, I gained a great sister in law. I also started blogging this year. We experienced so many great things with Emma including her first Christmas! We have been so blessed this year. I can't wait to experience life with Emma in 2012!
Sweet girl playing under the bar stool while I was baking cookies.